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It was getting harder for Changbin to breathe. The pheromones in the air were too intense for the older.

"So you're not going to deny that you have an alpha?" Seungmin asked, his eyes a blazed. "So you have an alpha and yet you come to me whenever you are in heat? You were what? Just screwing around? You are a real piece of work."

Changbin couldn't even say anything. Damn it, Changbin thought. I feel so hot. He was struggling to breath let alone talk.

Seungmin slammed his fist against the wall. "Okay I get it. I won't bother you anymore."

Seungmin walked away while Han watched him. Han turned back to Changbin, who was doubled over holding on to his stomach trying to catch his breath. His body heating up from Seungmin's pheromones. Han glanced from Seungmin to Changbin, his eyes widening. No way! Is he affected by Seungmin's pheromones right now?

"Changbin, are you okay?" Han asked, worried. He crotched down next to the older trying to soothe him.

Changbin couldn't answer, he was panting and whimpering. He was know kneeling on all fours trying to catch his breath. His whole body felt like it was on fire. Han got up and tried to help the older up, this is not good, Han thought.

"Hey is he okay? You guys need help?" One of the guys walking by asked. "Wait, aren't these omega pheromones?"

Han stood up in front of Changbin, blocking him. "We are fine, please leave."

"He doesn't seem fine," The other guy said, taking a step towards the two omegas. "Wow he must be in heat. His pheromones are coming off so strongly."

Han gritted his teeth, fuck, these two are going to be an issue. Han wasn't sure what to do, but he knew he couldn't let them take Changbin..

One of them stepped forward and reached out towards Changbin. "He should go somewhere more comfortable. We will take care of him."

"No, don't touch him," Han said, moving to stop him.

"You're help isn't needed here," Seungmin said coldly, coming out of nowhere and swatting the person's hand away from Changbin.

Han was shocked to see that Seungmin came back. Seungmin had put a protected hand on Changbin's back. Seungmin squared up to the other guy, "We got it from here, please leave."

The other guys glanced between Seungmin and Changbin and huffed but walked away. "Guess he had an alpha," One of them said, glancing back over at them.

Seungmin turned his attention to Changbin, who was still whimpering and panting. He crouched  down next to Changbin and grabbed his chin, turning the older towards him. Changbin was flushed and tears were in his eyes.

"You really know how to drive someone crazy," Seungmin said, staring into Changbin's eyes.

Seungmin picked up the older cradling him against him. He released some calming pheromones to try and calm the younger.

"I will take him to my place. I don't live far from here. Can you call us a cab?" Seungmin asked Han.

They walked outside to wait for the cab Changbin shivering and whimpering in Seungmin's arms.

"Please tell Changbin to be better prepared for situations like this in the future. We may not be there to help him next time." Han counseled Seungmin.

"Why should I be responsible? We are nothing to each other," Seungmin said, glancing down at  Changbin in his arms.

"Hmm right...well either way just make sure you use a condom."

"Condoms! We aren't doing anything. I'm just dropping him off and leaving," Seungmin said.

Han sighed, "Seungmin, there's obviously things that need to be resolved here. This is the last time I'm getting involved. You two need to figure this out. As an alpha isn't it a bit much to see an emotional and physical unstable omega who is clearly affected by you. Just figure it, okay?"

The cab pulled up and Seungmin helped Changbin into the cab and turned around to talk to Han.

"Thank you for your help today. Sorry to pull you into the middle of it again."

Han nodded and walked away. Seungmin watched him leave and moved to get into the cab with Changbin. He told the driver where to go and turned his attention to the older who was now clinging to him. How is he so affected by my pheromones when he has his own alpha?

They reached Seungmin's apartment and he hoisted Changbin onto his back with some help from the cab driver. He finally got them inside and put Changbin on his bed. The older has gotten pretty quiet by now. His pheromones still seeping out of him, but he seemed calmer than he was. This is why he should just go to his alpha. Why does he keep coming to me? Seungmin thought. He glanced down at Changbin who was just staring off. He shook his head and moved to leave. Changbin gathered the rest of his strength and got up, grabbing Seungmin's arm.

"Where do you think you are going?" Changbin panted out, gripping the younger's arm. "It's your fault I am like this, take responsibility."

Seungmin turned around clenching his fist, "Why? Are you trying to use me again because you are desperate? I told you to stop screwing around."

Changbin looked taken aback and dropped the younger's arm, "do you not want to do it with me?"

Seungmin turned to walk away again and Changbin gathered his strength and got up to push him against the wall and pressed himself against the younger. Seungmin's eyes widened from Changbin's forwardness.

"Your body seems to want me," Changbin said, pressing himself more into the younger.

Changbin glanced up at Seungmin's lips, licking his own. He leaned in and kissed the younger. Seungmin kissed back, but moved his hand to the back of Changbin's head, pulling him back by his hair. The older gasped in surprise. He turned them around pushing Changbin into the wall and kissed him roughly. Changbin moaned into Seungmin's mouth, feeling their tongues intertwine.

Seungmin pulled back and coldly said to Changbin, "Go do this with your own alpha." .

He moved to move away from the older when Changbin pulled him back into a hug. Pushing his face into Seungmin's chest, desperate to smell the younger.

Changbin looked up at Seungmin, "I don't have an alpha."

"W-what? What do you mean," Seungmin asked, thoroughly confused.

"Y-you're the first. You've been the only one," Changbin said, going back to burying his face in Seungmin's chest. His arms wrapped around the younger now pulling him in.

Wait! He doesn't have an alpha? Is he tricking me? I am so confused now, Seungmin thought, watching Changbin rub his scent all over him. Changbin glanced back up at Seungmin, his eyes a little dazed. I better help him. Seungmin thought. He picked up Changbin and placed him back on the bed.


Oh snap!! Hopefully once Changbin comes out of his daze they can finally talk.

1134 words

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