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Changbin woke up feeling a heavy body on top of him and he was confused. He rubbed his eyes trying to wake up more and glanced down to see the younger laying on his chest. He blushed seeing Seungmin's sleeping face so close to him. He had the urge to touch the younger's face, but did not want to wake him. So instead he stared down at him. I wonder what the time is, he thought. He looked around for his phone and saw that it had fallen onto the ground next to the couch. He sighed, how am I supposed to reach that without moving too much. I don't want to wake him, he thought.

Changbin reached his arm down to try and see if he could reach his phone, but his arms just weren't long enough. Damn it, he thought. He strained to reach and completely stopped when he felt the younger stir on top of him. He froze, arm still outstretched, he stared down at Seungmin. The younger shifted around on top of him and he blush deepened feeling something hard against his leg. Is that his dick? He thought to himself.

Seungmin was slowly waking up and realized that he wasn't in his own bed. He opened his eyes to find Changbin staring back at him and he was taken aback. He looked down and realized he was completely laying on the older.

"Oh, Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." Seungmin said, shifting and making Changbin squirm underneath him.

"N-no it's okay. I must've fallen asleep too." Changbin said, cheeks turning more red, as he was getting turned on.

Seungmin noticed Changbin getting hard under him and he swallowed hard. He was  trying his hardest not to just pounce on the older, but he promised he wouldn't until Changbin came to him first. Seungmin cleared his throat and moved to get off the older.

"Umm I'm going to go get in bed," Seungmin said.

Seungmin was now completely off of the older and started to get up off the couch when Changbin grabbed his wrist. He looked back at the older, who couldn't even look at him. He watched as Changbin's ears turn red from embarrassment.

"Umm d-did you want help with that," Changbin stuttered out. He dropped the younger's wrist wanting to just run away and hide.

Seungmin was shocked by the older's forwardness. He didn't expect the older to initiate. He reached down and lifted Changbin's chin up so that he could the older in the eyes. He stared down at the older, while Changbin kept avoiding eye contact. "Look at me."

Changbin whined out, but slowly looked up to make eye contact with the younger. He wanted to shrink away from the intense glare from the younger alpha. He felt his dick twitch in his pants and he tried his best not to squirm.

"Do you want to help me?"

Changbin felt himself slowly nod his head as he was getting lost in the younger's eyes now. He watched as they darken, and he smelled Seungmin's pheromones in the air.

"Do you want me to help you?" Seungmin asked, his voice low. He watched again as the older nodded his head again. He moved his hand from Changbin's chin to his cheek, rubbing his thumb slowly on the older's cheek.

"Are you sure? I don't wa..."

"W-why are you being so cautious? Don't you want to? I thought you liked me?" Changbin asked, turning away to look at the ground pouting.

Seungmin again was surprised by the older's outburst. He hadn't realized that he was making the older feel unwanted. His hand moved to lift the older's chin up again so that Changbin would look at him.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to be comfortable and not push you into something you didn't want."

"Why wouldn't I?" Changbin asked, making eye contact with Seungmin again.

Seungmin shook his head, he wasn't sure what had happened to make Changbin have such a turn of events, but he wasn't complaining. "If you're sure."

Changbin reached up and pulled the younger down and connected their lips. He deepened their kiss, making Seungmin moan into their mouths. He pulled back and looked back up at the older.

"Does that tell you how sure I am?"

I hope this chapter makes sense XD I did not proof read and im too tired to re-read it right now.

Edit. I have no read through and made some changes lol 🙈

725 words

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