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Changbin felt embarrassed with how things turned out. He didn't mean to cause issues. He leaned away from Seungmin and stared at him.

"I am sorry. I-I didn't mean to cause any trouble. You were right though. It was too soon for me to go back." Changbin said, his head hung in shame.

"Hey," Sengmin said softly. He lifted Changbin's chin so the older would look at him. "You didn't ask to be assaulted. No one is blaming you." He looked into the older's eyes and saw how guilty he felt. He moved his hand from Changbin's chin to his cheek. He was rubbing his thumb on the older's cheek. "All that matters is that you're okay. Are you okay? He asked.

Changbin closed his eyes and leaned into Seugnmin's hand, feeling the warmth from it. "I'm okay. Nothing happened. You got there in time."

Seungmin nodded his head. I don't even want to think about what would've happened if I didn't, he thought. "Will you tell me what happened? Lee Know hyung didn't really have time to explain before I ran off."

Changbin blushed, and looked away from the younger. Making Seungmin move. He started playing with the hem of his shirt avoiding eye contact with Seungmin. "Umm well..."

"Whatever it is, you can tell me."

Changbin nodded, still avoiding eye contact with younger. He took a deep breath before starting. "L-lee Know hyng was asking me about us...and um if we were together yet." He said, sneaking a glance at Seungmin. He quickly looked back down and continued. "H-he mentioned that we were bonded and if you marked me since I was back at work," he mumbled the last part.

Changbin stole another glance at Seungmin who was just staring back at him. He felt small and wanted to crawl away into a hole. "Umm and that's when I ran inside and ran into that other guy."

Seungmin thought about everything Changbin had just told him. "Did what he said upset you? Why were you releasing pheromones?"

"Umm...ummm I-I never thought about what he said and I never thought if those were things yo-you wanted or not and I panicked a little. But..."

"But what?"

Changbin blushed deeper. He wanted to die of embarrassment. "I wouldn't mind those things," he mumbled, barely audible.

Seungmin smirked, hearing the older. He reached back over and coaxed Changbin to look at him. "Is that why you told him you had an alpha?"

Changbin didn't know if he could blush any deeper. He avoided eye contact with the younger even though Seungmin was holding his chin.

Bingo, Seungmin thought. "Am I your alpha?" Seungmin asked lowly scooting closer to the older.

Changbin let out a whimper when he finally made eye contact with the younger. The intense stare looking back at him made him want to squirm, but it also turned him on. He started releasing pheromones and he saw Seungmin's eyes darken.

"You really know how to drive someone crazy," he growled out before attaching their lips.

Changbin's eyes widened in surprise but immediately he closed them, getting into the kiss. Seungmin quickly deepened their kiss almost out of desperation. As quickly as the kiss started it, it ended. Leaving Changbin breathless.

"You haven't answered my question yet," Seungmin said, their faces mir inches away from each other.

Changbin was feeling dizzy from their kiss and pheromones mixing in the air. "W-what question?"

Seungmin leaned back some more so he could clearly see Changbin. "Who is your alpha?"

Changbin stared into the younger's eyes. He swallowed, willing the lump in his throat to go away. "Y-you are." He barely got the words out when Seungmin pulled him in.

Seungmin wrapped his arms around the older's waist pulling Changbin into his embrace and kissed him. Deepening the kiss immediately. He couldn't get enough of the older. He moved his lips down the older's body to his neck leaving little marks on his neck leaving Changbin feeling breathless.

"Will you finally be my boyfriend then?" Seungmin asked, pulling away again to stare at the older.

This guy, Changbin, thought embarrassed. "Okay, b-but you have to promise..."

"Promise what hyung?"

Changbin blushed, "P-promise you'll be patient with me. This is all new to m-me."

Seungmin smiled. "Of course. I would do anything for you," he said and leaned in, giving the older a soft kiss. "Now why don't we finish what we started," He said, smirking.

Seungmin picked up Changbin which caused the older to yelp out in surprise and carried Changbin to his bedroom dropping the older onto the bed. He crawled onto the bed after Changbin, looking like a predator ready to pounce on its prey.

Changbin swallowed hard. What have I gotten myself into, he thought.


807 words

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