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Changbin had packed a bag with a few weeks worth of clothes and he was now standing out front of Seungmin's apartment. He hesitated to ring the doorbell, still unsure if living with the younger was a good idea or not. He reached for the doorbell when the door flew open which surprised him and he took a step back.

"Hey you made it," Seungmin explained, his nervous energy radiating off of him. "Let me help you with that," he said, reaching for the older's bag.

Changbin let him take the bag and followed the younger inside. They both stood there in awkward silence for a while before he cleared his throat not being able to take the silence anymore.

"Oh umm welcome to my place."

"I was just here. I know it's your place. Why are you acting weird?"

"Oh...right. Umm well you're welcome to anything you need here. I set you up in the second bedroom over there."

"Okay, thank you."

"I guess I will let you get settled," Seungmin asked, scratching the back of his head. "Do you maybe wanna eat together later?"

Changbin watching the younger. He's cute when he is shy, he thought. "Yes I think that would be great."

Seungmin nodded, "Okay I can cook something then."

Changbin was surprised, "you can cook?"

"Why are you so surprised?"

Changbin shrugged his shoulders, why was he surprised? The younger did live alone. "I don't know. You just don't seem like the cooking type."

"My mom taught me when I told her I was moving away," Seungmin said, shrugging.

This is the first time he's talked about his family life, Changbin thought. He didn't want to admit it, but he wanted to learn more about the younger. "Oh where does your family live?"

"It's about a 4 hour train ride from here."

"Do you get to see them often?"

"Usually I go home during holidays, but it's not as often as my mom would like."

"Oh, that must be hard."

"I do miss them sometimes, but I am used to it."

Changbin didn't know how to respond to that so he just nodded. He thought of his only family. As much as he wanted to get out of the house he did miss seeing them. Especially lately, with his body finally developing as an omega he wanted to be as close as possible to his mom.

"Why don't you go get settled. I'm just going to run to the store." Seungmin said, pulling the older out of his thoughts.

Changbin nodded, "Okay....do you want me to go with you?"

"No it's okay, plus maybe we should gradually expose you to alpha pheromones. I don't want you to get overwhelmed."

Changbin blushed a bit, grateful that the younger thought of that. "You're right. I-I will help you put things away then when you get back.

Seungmin nodded, he walked to the door and put his shoes on. "Okay. I will be back."

"Okay, be careful."

Changbin was left in silence. He turned towards the second bedroom and grabbed his bags to unpack. It didn't take him long to unpack and he laid down on the bed once he was done. He closed his eyes for what felt like a second until he heard noises outside the bedroom. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking for his phone to check the time. Crap, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep for so long, he thought. He quickly got up and walked out into the living room. The smells coming from the kitchen were amazing, his mouth watered.

"Hey," Changbin said shyly. "Sorry I fell asleep and didn't help you with groceries." He said scratching the back of his head.

Seungmin looked up from the pan, "It's okay. I checked in on you when I got home and saw you were asleep and didn't want to bother you. You looked very peaceful and cute."

Changbin blushed, caught off guard by the compliment. "W-what are you making?"

Cute, Seungmin thought. "I made some Japchae and soft tofu stew."

"It smells delicious."

"It's almost done. Do you wanna set the table for us?"

"Sure. umm..."

"Oh the plates and bowls are over there and cups are over there," Seungmin said, pointing to the cabinets on the other side of him.

Changbin squeezed past the younger and realized how small his kitchen was. He brushed up against Seungmin and he got goosebumps, his face flushing. He swallowed, pushing down the arousal he was feeling. He grabbed the plates, bowls, and cups and squeezed past the younger again. His breath hitched a bit when they made contact again, but neither of them said anything. He put everything down and walked over to the fridge and opened it. He was surprised to see how much was in there.

Seungmin had been watching him this whole time and said, "I wasn't sure what you would like so I grabbed a bit of everything."

Changbin nodded, "What did you want to drink?"

"I will just have what you are having."

Changbin grabbed two jasmine teas and put them down at the table and walked back over to see if Seungmin needed him bringing the food over.

"Did you need me to grab anything else?"

"Sure, you can grab the stew and I will bring this over."

They both finally settled at the table and they fell into a silence while they both ate. Changbin was focusing on not staring at the younger and Seungmin was looking at everything, but the older. The tension got to be too much for Changbin and he cleared his throat.

"Everything tastes really good. Thank you for cooking."

"I am glad you're liking it and of course. It's the least I can do since you agreed to move in."

It was silent again and Changbin started biting his lip, feeling awkward. "Umm..."

"I...Oh sorry go ahead."

"No go ahead."

Seungmin put his chopsticks down and made eye contact with the older. "I-I just wanted to clarify that nothing will happen between us unless you want it too."

Changbin blushed, he did not realize that this was what the younger wanted to talk about. "I-I wasn't thinking you would. I mean I know you wanted to live together, I didn't think you would jump me or anything."

"Yea I won't. You don't have to worry."

Changbin nodded, his face still bright red. This is so awkward, he thought.


Longer chapter, but what do we think of them living together?

1031 words

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