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Changbin headed into work early, running into Han on the way in. "Hey Han. How are you?"

"Not too bad. How have you been? Are things better between you and Seungmin?" Han asked making Changbin blush. I will take that as a no, Han thought.

"I've been fine."

They entered the main floor when Changbin paused. "What's wrong?" Han asked, seeing the older hesitate.

Han turned around to see Changbin staring wide eyed around him. W-what's happening? Changbin thought. He was consumed by so many different smells. They hit him like a ton of bricks. Han was talking to him, but he couldn't hear anything he was saying. He felt short of breath and continued to look around wide eyed.

"Changbin hyung," Han said again, touching the older's arm. Changbin jumped, as if coming out of a trance. "Are you okay?"

Changbin shook his head, backing up. "P-pheromones..."

"Pheromones?" Han repeated back, but it clicked. "Are you smelling other alpha pheromones?"

Changbin nodded his head, "I-I need to go." He turned and ran out the doors, running into someone on his way out, but he didn't stop and continued to run out the door. Han called after him, but the older didn't stop.

Damn it, I should find Seungmin, Han thought. He walked back out and went to look for the younger when Seungmin walked inside.

Seungmin was about to say something to Han when the smell of honey distracted him. Changbin? Why does it smell like Changbin? He thought, looking around for the older.

"Was Changbin here?"

"Yes, you should find him. He just ran off. I think he can smell other alphas' pheromones now. He looked really freaked out. I tried to stop him, but he ran outside." Han said.

Fuck, this is not good, Seungmin thought. "Thank you for telling me. I will find him." Han nodded his head and left the younger.

Seungmin pulled out his phone, dialing the older. No one answered, and it went straight to voicemail. He was starting to freak out. He decided to call Changbin's doctor, thankful that they exchanged numbers last time they met.


"Dr. Chan, it's Seungmin. I think Changbin's in trouble." Seungmin said he walked outside to look for the older.

Chan stood up from his chair, "What happened?"

"I'm not quite sure, but our coworker said that he could smell other alphas' pheromones now, and he was freaking out. He ran off so I am looking for him right now."

"Okay, call me as soon as you find him. I will head over to check on him. He is probably just overwhelmed."

"Okay, I will call you as soon as I hear from him."

They hung up, Dr. Chan left his office and went to talk to his assistant. "Hello Dr. Chan. How can I help you?"

"Hello. Could you please clear my schedule this afternoon. An emergency case has come up and I am not sure when I will be back."

"Of course. I will let your patients and meetings know."

Chan nodded, and headed back into his office and awaited a call from Seungmin.

Meanwhile, Changbin had made it all the way home. He was still freaking out and overwhelmed. He slumped down in front of his front door, trying to calm his racing heart.

"You're okay Changbin. You're okay. This is normal." Changbin tried to talk himself into calming down.

Other alphas' pheromones, Changbin thought. He remembered the overwhelming feeling he felt and felt his stomach churned. He quickly got up and ran to his bathroom barely making it before throwing up in the toilet.

The only pheromones I've ever known are Seungmin's, Changbin thought. He leaned against the wall thinking of the younger. His heart beating fast again, his face flushing. I want Seungmin, he thought. His phone rang pulling him out of his thoughts. Looking at it he saw Seungmin was calling him. He blushed, and took a deep breath before answering.


"Changbin! Are you okay? Where are you?" Seungmin asked, his voice laced with worry. He was slightly out of breath.

"Why are you freaking out?"

"Han said you ran off. Are you okay?"

Changbin was thankful for Han telling the younger, but wanted to play it off like it was no big deal. "I...I could feel other alphas' pheromones," he said, starting to shake.

"Where are you? I will come to you."

"Stop making this a big deal. Everyone deals with this," Changbin said, he was starting to sweat now and the shaking hasn't stopped. He gulped hoping he wouldn't throw up again.

"I should be with you. I want to be there with you."

Changbin's eyes widen, he felt his eyes fill up with tears, "okay," he whispered. "Please come. I'm home."

"Okay, I'm on the way."

"Please...please hurry."


my heart, poor Binnie.

786 words

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