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Changbin made it to work early. He was trying to work up the nerve to talk to Seungmin. They hadn't talked since Changbin hung up on him a few days ago and he wasn't sure how the younger would take their conversation. He glanced up seeing Seungmin across the lot. Seeing his face I am losing my confidence, he thought, ducking behind the truck to avoid the younger.

"Changbin, what are you doing here? I thought you were taking the next couple of days off?" Lee Know asked.

"Shhh...you don't see me." Changbin said, frantically looking around the truck to see if Seungmin had noticed him yet or not.

"Are you hiding from someone?"

"Something like that," Changbin mumbled, not seeing the younger.

Changbin turned back around and gulped. Seungmin was standing there staring at the older. He looks mad, Changbin thought. Seungmin walked off not saying anything to him. How am I supposed to convince the guy I rejected to pretend to date me?

"Whatever is going on between you two, fix it before it affects work," Lee Know sighed, and walked off leaving Changbin alone.

Changbin sighed and ran after Seungmin, but couldn't find him. Where did he disappear to? I guess I will talk to him later. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to unload the truck. Before he knew it, it was lunch time and he walked to the cafeteria with Lee Know the two of them joking and talking. Changbin kept glancing around for Seungmin, but hadn't seen him since that morning.

"Have you not talked to him yet?"

"I think he's avoiding me." Changbin mumbled.

"Well I am not sure what's happening, and it's not my business, but you should fix it."

Changbin nodded. I am surprised Han didn't tell him what was going on. Or maybe he did and he's pretending not to know? Either way, he's right. I need to talk to Seungmin.

They reached the cafeteria and Changbin looked around for the younger. He finally spotted him and noticed he was sitting with some other people. Should I go tell him I need to talk to him? But what if the other's start asking questions? I don't wanna risk rumors starting. This is so frustrating.

Changbin sighed and grabbed some food and went and sat next to Lee Know and Jisung. He kept glancing over at Seungmin, but the younger kept ignoring him. He won't even look my way, he must be really mad. How am I supposed to fix this?

Lunch was over and everyone went back to work. Changbin tried to catch up with Seungmin, but the younger disappeared again. How long is he going to ignore me?

The day was finally over and Changbin still hadn't had a chance to talk to Seungmin. He was getting annoyed now. Am I not allowed to reject him? It's not like I have to say yes to him, just cause he helped me with my heat! Right?

"What a jerk," Changbin mumbled to himself. "Who does he think he is? Such an asshole ignoring me all day."

Changbin didn't realize it but Seugmin was behind him listening to him mumble to himself.

"Oh I am the asshole?"

Changbin turned around shocked, his face turned bright red not expecting Seungmin to be behind him. "I-I didn't say that?"

"I can hear you mumbling to yourself about me."

"N-no I wasn't."

"Whatever. You already rejected me, can't you just leave me alone?"

"Umm...I-I am sorry," Changbin took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to sound so harsh. It was...it was my first time being asked out and I was shocked. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings."

Changbin glanced up at Seungmin. He could still see the anger in the younger's eyes. Seungmin didn't say anything. He just stared back at the older making him shift from side to side from the intense stare.

"Okay," Seungmin said, turning to walk away.

"Wa-wait," Changbin said, walking after the younger, grabbing his hand.

Seungmin looked down at their hands and Changbin let go. "What now?"


"You aren't one to apologize so easily, so what do you want?"

"Well,  you see..."

"Actually you know what. I don't want to hear it." Seungmin said, walking away again.

"Wait! I need your help."

"My help? Why would I possibly want to help you?" Seungmin asked, turning around to face the older.

"It's not a big deal."

"Oh now I know that's not true. What is it?"

"Well, so I went and saw my mom and my brother was there and he was trying to force me to move home and I told them we were dating!" Changbin quickly explained in one breath.

"You did what!" Seungming exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Now they want to meet you, so can you please pretend to be my boyfriend and meet my mom for dinner?"

Seungmin didn't even know what to say. He was shocked by what Changbin had to say. I can't believe this guy! First he rejections me and now he wants to pretend to date? Seungmin was still speechless.

"It's just one dinner to try and convince my mom so I don't have to move back home."

"Here I was wanting to just try and take you on a date and see where this was going and you went and told your family that we were dating? Why would you do that? Why me? You could've said anyone else. You didn't have to involve me, especially since you already rejected me."

Changbin hung his head, he's not wrong, I am being an ass involving him after rejecting him.

"I know I am sorry. I shouldn't have involved you, but I couldn't think of anyone else. You were the only person that popped into my mind."

Seungmin glanced over at Changbin. He could only think of me? What does that mean? Seungmin stepped closer to the older, making Changbin nervous.

"You don't have some hidden agenda do you?"

"What do you mean?"

Seungmin sighed, "I will help you on one condition."

Any guesses on the condition??? 😏😏
999 words

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