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It was finally Monday and Changbin was excited but nervous to head back to work. He and Seungmin had spent the last part of last week arguing over whether he should go back to work or not. Ultimately he won, though the younger was not happy about it. He honestly needed the distraction, sitting at home by himself was driving him crazy. He couldn't stop thinking about what Seungmin had said and the obvious bond and attraction they had for each other. They decided to walk to work together and Changbin was obviously jittery.

"Hey," Seungmin said, catching Changbin's attention. The older turned to look towards him. He grabbed Changbin's hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "If you need me for anything just tell me, okay?"

Changbin gave Seungmin a small smile. "Thank you."

Changbin took a deep breath and they walked into the doors. All the smells hit him like a ton of brick and he started panicking. Seungmin immediately released his pheromones pulling the older into an embrace.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea."

Changbin took some deep breaths. Breathing in the younger's pheromones that started to drown out the others. "N-no. I will be fine."

"Cha..." Seungmin started.

"Please," Changbin begged, cutting him off.

Seungmin sighed, "Fine but I am staying with you today."

Changbin didn't argue with the younger and just nodded his head. When he felt calm enough they walked towards their boss' office. He took a deep breath before entering not sure what to expect.

"So you're an omega huh?" The boss said. Changbin nodded his head, staring down at the floor.

"Well what do you want to do about it?"

Changbin looked surprised. He half expected their boss to tell him he had to work in the office from now on. "Y-you're letting me choose?"

The boss shrugged his shoulders, "Figured I should. I don't like having an omega out there surrounded by alphas, but we can only do the best we can to avoid incidents. Plus you're one of my best workers out there. You're hella strong there is no denying that."

Changbin smiled; this was the best outcome he could ask for. "Yes I want to stay where I am. And I will be careful and make sure to stay on top of my meds."

"Then it's settled. If you need anything just ask."

They both left and Changbin let out a sigh of relief. "That went better than expected," he said, turning toward the younger.

Seungmin gave a small smile, "Yeah I am glad it did."

Changbin frowned, he could tell something was bothering the younger. "What's wrong?"

Seungmin shook his head, "Nothing. Let's just head out."

Changbin didn't argue with the younger and they both walk towards the warehouse to start working. He walked over to where Lee Know was and started helping the older unload the truck. Seungmin was called over to another truck but he could feel the younger watching him.

"So how are things?" Lee Know asked, breaking the silence.

Changbin shrugged, "They are fine."

"You and Seungmin are finally together?"

Changbin stopped and looked over at Lee Know shocked, "W-what do you mean?"

"Han told what happened and I figured you two would be together by now. It's clear that you're bonded and you wouldn't be back to work unless he's marked you already."

Changbin didn't know what to say, his mind swirled with questions. Bonded? Marked? I never thought of those things, he thought. He glanced over at Seungmin. Is that what he wants? He thought.

"I am sorry. I just assumed that you knew," Lee Know looked at the younger nervously.

Changbin was barely listening; he was so wrapped up in his thoughts. "Umm I will be right back hyung," he mumbled to Lee Know and walked towards the doors.

Lee Know watched him walk away when he smelled a sweet scent in the air. Oh shit, he thought and turned to look for Seungmin.

Changbin made it out into the hallway when he ran into someone. "Oh I'm sorry," he mumbled.

The person had a grip on Changbin's arm making him look up. I've never seen him before, he thought. The person started squeezing his arm hard which made he wince and try to pull away.

"L-let go. You're hurting me," Changbin said, using his other arm to push the person.

Changbin's push did nothing and that's when the smell of pheromones hit him and he felt weak. Why is he releasing pheromones and why won't he let go of me. I've never been affected by anyone else's pheromones, he thought.

"You have some nerve coming in here releasing your pheromones," the stranger said. His grip got stronger on Changbin's arm.

My pheromones? Changbin thought alarmed now. He didn't realize he had been releasing any pheromones. His back hit the wall and he started panicking. When did we even move? He thought. He tried again to push the guy off of him again with no avail.

"Pl-please just let me go. I-I think we need to both calm down."

The guy leaned forward pressing his nose against Changbin's neck making him squirm, "God you smell so good."

"D-don't," Changbin begged, trying again to push the guy away, but felt too weak.

The guy grabbed both of Changbin's arms and turned him around so he was now facing the wall and the guy was pressing into him. He whimpered feeling how hard the guy was. This can't be happening, he thought.


You guys know i love a good cliff hanger. i know im the worse lol. 😈

889 words

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