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It was the next day and Changbin was feeling a bit drained from everything that happened. When he finally woke up he was already home. Seungmin had stopped by to check on him, but he pretended to be asleep and didn't open the door. When the younger finally left, he opened the door and Seungmin had left him some food. Why is he doing all of this stuff? He thought. His heart started racing thinking about the younger. I do not like him!

Changbin called Dr. Chan, to catch him up on what happened and was surprised to hear that Seungmin had called him.

"I think you should come into the office today . We should figure out our next steps for you and we should definitely let your mom know what's going on." Dr. Chan said, trying to sift through paperwork.

Changbin groaned, "I don't want to have to tell my mom yet."

"She can help you. Plus you know we've been waiting for you to finally get your heat for years. How about I go with you and we can tell her together?"

"Fine, I need to go into work for a bit today and then I will head over to your office."

"Okay, I will see you in a bit," Dr. Chan said, hanging up the phone. This is going to be an interesting afternoon, he thought.

Changbin got ready and headed to the company. He was lost in thought when he ran into someone. "Oh crap sorry!"

"It's all good," Han said.

"Oh Han, thank you for yesterday." Changbin said, feeling shy.

"It was no worries. I hope you guys have worked everything out."

Changbin just nodded and didn't say anything. I guess they didn't work through everything. Hmm well not my business, Han thought.

"I really appreciate you helping me yesterday," Changbin said, scratching the back of his neck. His cheeks flushed.

Han nodded, and gave him a small smile. "I gotta head to the office. I will see you later."

Changbin nodded, walking towards their boss's office. He needed to request the rest of the afternoon off and possibly the next day too. He wasn't sure how his mom would react to the news about his heat. Not just his mom, but his younger brother, Hyunjin, too. Hyunjin was his overprotective younger brother, who was an Alpha. Hyunjin was overprotective of him since they found out he was an omega. Sometimes it seemed like Hyunjin was the older brother, not Changbin.

Changbin reached Dr. Chan's office, saying hello to the receptionist and walking to Dr. Chan's office. He knocked on the door hearing a soft come in from the other side and walked in.

"Hello Changbin. How are you feeling today?" Dr. Chan asked, looking up from his paperwork.

Changbin moved to sit down in front of Dr. Chan, a little embarrassed the doctor had to come rescue him yesterday. "I am better. Thank you for coming out again yesterday."

"It's no worries. It's my job as your doctor to make sure you are developing okay. Plus you know you're like family now. I am glad Seungmin called yesterday. That seems to be going well?"

Changbin blushed, he's been avoiding the younger, and hasn't spoken to him. "Umm, I wouldn't know. I haven't talked to him," Changbin mumbled.

Dr. Chan looked at Changbin amused, but didn't push the issue. He grabbed a pill bottle and headed it over to Changbin, "Here these are for you. They are strong inhibitors. Make sure you take one every morning. Do not skip a day."

"Oh okay, yeah I guess I need those,"Changbin said, reaching over to grab the bottle.

"You think? You definitely need them, you're a walking time bomb. Not just to yourself, but to those around you."

Changbin huffed, "Well how should I be acting then?"

"Well that's why we are going to talk to your mom. She can show you how to track your heat cycle, what to do while you're in heat, and things to look out for when you're sleeping with an alpha among other things. As your doctor I need to make sure you are developing well and help you balance your pheromones. You're like my little brother so I want to help you in anyway I can."

Changbin listened quietly, knowing that he was correct. "I know, you are right."

Dr. Chan got up and walked towards Changbin, ruffling his hair. "Come on, let's go to your mom's, we can talk to her together."

They both headed down and took the hour drive to Changbin's family house.


how do we think the family will react to finding out Changbin got his heat?! I hope you guys are enjoying this story!

740 words

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