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They had finished dinner and Changbin insisted on helping the younger clean up, much to Seungmin's protest. They finished and settled on watching tv on the couch. Changbin was falling asleep; he was more tired than he realized. He isn't sure when he dozed off when he woke up feeling hands on his thighs. His eyes flew open when he felt someone trying to pull his pants down. He looked down seeing Seungmin looking back up at him, his eyes dark with lust.

"W-what are you doing?" Changbin stuttered out.

"I'm making you feel good," Seungmin nonchalantly said. He pulled Changbin's bottom off of him and was now licking up his thighs. "Don't you want that baby?"

Changbin moaned out, feeling Seungmin tongue and teeth on his thighs. "I-I do, b-but you said you wouldn't do anything unless I wanted it."

Seungmin paused what he was doing and hovered over Changbin so they were staring into each other's eyes. "You're mine to do with what I want," Seungmin growled. Seungmin started emitted pheromones, making Changbin widen his eyes. He leaned down, capturing the older's lips.

Changbin moaned into their kiss, feeling himself get hard. He was going to give in and let what was happening just happen when his alarm went off. He jolted awake, sitting up in the bed and breathing hard. Fuck, did I just have a sex dream about Seungmin? He thought and groaned. It's literally my first day here and I am having dreams about him. Fuck and I am hard, he thought internally beating himself up. He went to lay back down, but then sat back up again. Wait, how did I get in bed? He thought, trying to remember what happened after they had dinner. We were on the couch...did I fall asleep? Wait, does that mean Seungmin carried me to bed? He started blushing, putting his face in his hands, shaking his head back and forth feeling embarrassed. Damn it, how am I supposed to act around him now? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard sounds coming from the kitchen. He groaned, I guess I should get up.

Changbin got up and made his way to the kitchen area, he was looking at his phone when a sound in the kitchen made him look up and he stopped in his tracks. His mouth dropped open slightly when he saw Seungmin cooking shirtless in the kitchen. His dick hardened even more, his mind going back to the sex dream he just woke up from and he swallowed hard.

Seungmin noticed the older standing there and turned around. He glanced down and noticed the older was hard and smirked. They made eye contact and Changbin blushed, quickly moving to pull his shirt over his crotch to try and hide his boner.

"Good morning Changbin. Did you sleep okay?"

Changbin moved to sit down at the table and cleared his throat. "Umm yeah it wasn't too bad."

"Hmm okay. I made some breakfast, but I do need to get going."

"Oh right you do have to go to work."

Seungmin walked over to put some food on the table for Changbin. The older glanced down and his stomach growled, making him blush. He is so cute, Seungmin thought.

"Thank you. You didn't have to cook for me."

"I know, but I wanted to. I know you're stuck at home for a little bit, but maybe we can go for a walk once I get home if it's not too busy out," Seungmin said. He headed to his bedroom and got dressed. Before walking back out and over to the door and putting his  shoes on. "Okay, I'll be back around seven. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Changbin nodded, "Okay I will."

Seungmin glanced one more time at Changbin before walking out the door leaving Changbin alone. He looked stared at the door until his stomach growled again reminding him how hungry he was and he dug into the food trying to figure out what he would do for the day.

what trouble do we think changbin is going to get into while he 's home alone?

681 words

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