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Changbin stared back at the younger. He was still shocked by the request. Sleep with him? What would that prove?

"W-why do you want to sleep with me so badly?"

"Do you not want to?"

Changbin was bright red at this point. His heart was beating a little too fast.

"It's not about wanting to or not..."

"Then what is it about then?" Seungmin asked, stepping closer to the older.

"W-why this of all things?" Changbin stuttered out, getting nervous and embarassed.

"I had a feeling you would act like this."

Seungmin walked up to the older. He reached out and placed his hand on Changbin's cheek. He watched as the older leaned in to his touch. He started caressing his cheek, watching his eyes dilate.

"Sleep with me Changbin."

Changbin didn't answer. Getting lost in Seungmin's eyes.

"Changbin, sleep with me. What do you have to lose?"

Changbin slowly nodded. He thought back about the last few weeks and how Seungmin has helped out in all the impossible situations. He really is a good person.

"Tonight, let's go grab a drink and then we can go somewhere after."

"Right now?"

"Yes, what now you don't want too?"

"No...that's not it. I just didn't expect you to want to do it right now. So this is okay, but you don't want to date? You're a complicated dude." Seungmin shook his head. "Thank you for doing this for me Changbin," Seungmin said, giving the older a big smile.

Changbin felt his heart skip a beat. Wait...what was that. Did my heart just flutter from his smile?

"Let's go then." Seungmin said, leading the way.

"W-wait where are we going?"

"There's a bar up the road, so let's go there and then we can go to my place."

His place? We are going to have sex at his place? Changbin thought, slight panicking. I thought we would just go to a hotel or something. Why do we have to go to his place?

"Why do we have to do it at your place? We can just go to a hotel."

"Well we are right here. Plus why spend the money when my place is perfectly fine."

Changbin couldn't argue with that, but as they started walking towards the bar he started to get nervous. They were both silent as they walked to the bar. Neither of them really knowing what to say.

They reached the bar, Seungmin opened the door for Changbin. He motioned for the older to walk in and he saw a light blush on Changbin's face. I guess he can be cute, he thought. They settled down in the corner of the bar so they could talk without being overheard. After ordering their drinks, there was a bit of awkward tension in the air.

"So, what are we going to talk about?" Seungmin finally asked after neither one of them spoke. Changbin looked up and stared at Seungmin. "What do I have something on my face?"

Changbin didn't answer and kept staring at him. He shifted in his seat turning towards the younger and started to lean in. His eyes would shift between staring into Seungmin's and the younger's lips.

Seungmin also slowly leaning in. Is he going to actually kiss me? he thought. They were mere inches away from each other when the bartender brought them their drinks interrupting them. Changbin was pulled out of his trance, turning back to his drink, blushing and started drinking his drink as if nothing had just happened.

"You know you can kiss me if you want." Seungmin said watching the older.

Changbin almost choked on his drink and turned to the younger looking bewildered, "who says I want to kiss you?"

"Oh so you weren't just trying to kiss me?"Seungmin smirked.


Seungmin reached over and put his hand on Changbin's chin turning the older towards him. Seungmin started leaning in again, which stopped Changbin from protesting. Seungmin watched as the older's eyes widened as he got closer to him.

Changbin's breath caught in his throat. They were so close together now that he could feel the younger's breath on his face. He held his breath waiting for the younger to make his next move. He was about to lean in when Seungmin pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I thought you weren't trying to kiss me," Seungmin said, a smirk forming on his lips.

Changbin pulled back, his face flushing, "I-I wasn't." He avoided the younger's eye contact and stared into his drink feeling embarrassed.

"Look at me."

Changbin hesitated but turned to look at the younger. They made eye contact and he could see the lust behind the younger's eyes. He felt his heart start to race and his palms started sweating. His eyes lingered down to Seungmin's lips. He subconsciously started biting his own lips, earning a growl from Seungmin. He tore his eyes from the younger's lips and made eye contact with the younger again.

"Let's get out of here," Seungmin said lowly.

Changbin nodded his head and they both finished their drinks and headed out. They reached the younger's place and wait for the elevator to come. The elevator finally came and Changbin started fidgeting with his hand and biting his lip. Nervously glancing at Seungmin and then back at the floor.

Seungmin watched the older. The door pinged open and they both got out. Seungmin opened his door and let the older in.

"Oh wow your place is cleaner than I expected."

" I guess you don't remember it from last time? We came here when you went into heat at work"

"Oh I don't really remember that..."

"Oh...it's okay. Do you want to shower beforehand?"

Changbin shook his head no. He was worried he would back out if they waited any longer.

"Hey don't be nervous. It's just me."

Changbin bit his lip. It's because of you, that's why I am so nervous, he thought.

"Where is your bedroom?"

Seungmin pointed at the door behind him. Changbin took a deep breath and walked over to the younger and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the bedroom.

"Wa-wait. What are you doing?" Seungmin exclaimed, surprised by the older's actions.

Changbin didn't say anything and just kept pulling him towards the bedroom. "Let's just do it."

"What's with the rush we have all night."

Changbin was embarrassed to admit that he was nervous."I just don't want to wait anymore."

Seungmin stared up at the older waiting for him to make the next move. Changbin stared back down at the younger unsure what to do.

Seungmin smirked, "What happened to all that confidence just now?"

Changbin blushed, knowing the younger was right. Before he could answer, Seungmin pulled him closer and finally kissing him. He relaxed into the kiss, following Seungmin's lead.

Seungmin was a little surprised when Changbin opened his mouth pushing his tongue into the his mouth, but he allowed it. He pulled the older down closer to him, letting him laying down on top of him.

God kissing him feels so good, Changbin thought moaning into the younger's mouth.


Sssmmmmuttttt scene next. Lol imagine be saying this in a sing song voice lol

1150 words

Bound to You | SeungbinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang