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Seungmin rushed into the building after Lee Know came up to him and told him that Changbin was releasing pheromones. This is so bad, he thought. This is why I didn't want him coming back yet...please don't let anyone run into him. He frantically rushed through several different rooms looking for the older. He could smell Changbin's scent faintly, and picked up his pace until he could smell it even stronger and started to hear voices.

"I-I have an alpha..." Seungmin heard Changbin say.

Seungmin started running towards the voice and stopped in his tracks when he saw Changbin being pinned against the wall by the new guy. To say he saw red was an understatement. He didn't realize he had moved and when he came back to, he was on top of the new kid, punching him.

Changbin was still pinned to the wall when all of a sudden his hands were released and he heard the new guy let out a yelp in pain. He quickly turned around and saw Seungmin standing over the guy. The younger glanced at him, and just as quickly turned back to the new guy and was on top of him punching him.

Han ran up to Changbin, grabbing him by his elbow and leading him away from the two fighting alphas. Changbin was feeling more unstable as the two alpha pheromones were becoming too much for him. He staggered a bit beside Han and the younger helped him. They both finally reached the locker rooms where he was able to take his meds.

"Are you okay?" Han finally asked, concerned written all over his face.

"Y-yes, I think so," Changbin said, letting out a shaky breath.

"Lee Know didn't mean to upset you."

Changbin shook his head, "I know it's not his fault. I should've been more careful." He took another deep breath, trying to calm his heart and nerves. He stood up for a second, still feeling dizzy. "I need to go back..."

"Oh no, you are not going back in there with two angry alphas. Why don't I take you back to your place?"

"I'm staying with Seungmin right now," Changbin said blushing.

Han's eyes widened in surprise. I knew there was something between them, but I didn't know they were living together, he thought. "Oh okay, well then we can take you there."

Changbin nodded and they walked out of the locker room together only to be faced with the crowd that tried to separate the two young alphas. The two omegas stopped and stared as they carried a bloody person out and Seungmin slowly treaded behind them.

Seungmin's mind was frantic and he looked around for Changbin. His wide eyes finally stopped on the older and he pushed past the crowd to get to the older. Only to be stopped by Han before he could reach Changbin.

"Seungmin, stop. You need to cool down before seeing Changbin hyung," Han said cautiously. "Your pheromones..."

Seungmin looked at Han and then over at Changbin. He gritted his teeth, his emotions still high. He just wanted to hold Changbin and breathe in his pheromones. He took another step towards Changbin.

"Seungmin. I'm okay. Why don't you get cleaned up and I will meet you at home, okay?" Changbin said, calmly giving the younger a small smile.

Seungmin stopped in his tracks and looked down at his bloody hands and flinched. He slowly shook his head and turned around to walk towards the bathrooms.

"Hey," Changbin called back out, making Seungmin turn back towards the older. "N-nothing happened, okay?"

Seungmin clenched his teeth again and nodded. He turned back again and walked away. He knew there was going to be consequences to what happened, but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and quickly cleaned up.

Changbin leaned against the wall feeling dizzy again from Seungmin's pheromones. "I-I don't think the medicine is working. I should get out of here."

Han nodded, and helped the older outside where Lee Know was waiting for them. The oldest opened the car door for the two omegas and they helped Changbin into the back seat before getting in themselves and headed towards Seungmin's place.

"I am sorry," Lee Know finally said, glancing at Changbin through the rearview mirror. "I didn't realize I was going to cause all of this."

Changbin shook his head, "No this isn't your fault hyung." It's all mine. I should've listened to Seungmin when he voiced his concern, he thought. I am not a little kid. I need to learn to control my pheromones and learn when my heat cycle is coming. I should call mom.

The rest of the ride was silent, Changbin lost in his thoughts and feeling really bad for everything that happened earlier. They arrived at Seungmin's place shortly after.

"Are you sure you'll be okay going up?" Han asked, turning back to look at Changbin.

He nodded, and gave them a reassuring smile. "Yes, thank you both for your help today. I appreciate it."

Before either could answer he got out of the car, just wanting to rush upstairs. He prayed that he wouldn't run into anyone on the way up and thankfully he didn't. His hands slightly shook as he tried to open the door. He closed the door behind him and prayed that Seungmin would be home soon.

Seungmin got cleaned up and his hands wrapped before rushing home. He needed to see Changbin. He left without speaking to anyone and ran all the way home. He tried to calm down before making it all the way. He made sure his pheromones were in check before walking inside the door.

"Cha-" Seungmin was about to call out when he noticed the older sitting on the couch.

"Hey there," Changbin turned to look at him, giving him a small smile.

"What happened! Do you know how badly that could've ended?" Seungmin started, he walked towards the older, who had his head down.

"I-I'm sorry," Changbin looked back up at the younger. His eyes filled with tears. "I am r-really sorry." He dropped his head back down to hide the tears threatening to fall.

Seungmin rushed over to him and Changbin immediately embraced him. Seungmin released some of his calming pheromones and they both sat there until Changbin calmed down.


i feel so bad for them both. Hopefully this will just bring them closer. 😢

1042 words

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