Chapter 37: Late

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After he added the soy sauce Mochou tasted the sweet BBQ pork. It wasn't bad considering the lack of ingredients.

"Should I make it a little sweeter?" Mochou mused as he licked his lips.

The pork was crispy and the sauce was sweet but he still couldn't help but wonder if maybe Yichen would prefer something a little sweeter. He looked at the bag of sugar and decided against it.

"The sugar was expensive. I should save it for later." Mochou decided. He then put the bag of sugar away on the shelf.

With the sauce done he quickly formed the buns and stuck them in the bamboo steamer to cook. He made more than enough for him and Yichen. He added even more for Yichen's family as well. Not knowing whether Yichen's family would like the sweet BBQ pork buns he also made some bamboo pork with garlic.

He had made so many he couldn't fit them all in the steamer at one time. It was okay though because Mochou had the time to cook several batches while the chicken continued to bake.

"We can't only eat chicken and meat buns. I also need some rice, a soup, and some vegetables." Mochou thought as he began preparing his next dish.

For the rice he made a fried rice with some garlic, small chunks of pork belly, an egg scrambled, and finally soy sauce. It was simple but delicious in Mochou's opinion.

The soup was also going to be another simple but delicious dish. He hadn't made it yet but he planned to use some of the roast beggar's chicken to make it later. The chicken was big enough and they had enough sides that sparing a little of the meat seemed reasonable.

Although he needed to wait for the chicken to be done he could still prep the ingredients. He cut several vegetables including burdock root, carrots, onion, radish, and cabbage then placed everything in a bowl for later.

Next was the vegetable dish. He looked at the options and the only thing he could think to make was roasted vegetables. As he prepped them he saw the mushrooms sitting in a bowl not far away.

"The rabbit is still alive. Yichen shouldn't have any problem if I cook them." Mochou thought as he licked his lips and reached out for the mushrooms.

He decided to wrap them in a bamboo leaf with garlic and onions and threw them in the steamer to cook. He also made a packet of long beans and did the same. He considered making some other vegetables but when he looked at all the things he had been cooking he decided he had made enough.

"I wonder what is taking Yichen so long? At this rate dinner will grow cold before he returns." Mochou said with worry.

As he kept an eye on the chicken and cooked several batches of food using the steamer he frequently snuck outside to look for Yichen. As more time passed he became more worried.

"His parents only live twenty minutes away." Mochou said as he paced in and out of the little hut. He soon started to debate on whether he should go looking for Yichen.


"Mom! Dad! Are you here? I brought the mule back." Yichen shouted as he walked through the gate. Seconds later his mother appeared from inside the house.

"Why do you have the mule? What about your brothers?" She asked.

"I brought Mochou to town and we bought a lot so I used the mule to come back. Yi Hao said he and eldest brother Yi Ming can take the ox cart back later." Yichen explained.

"You went shopping? Yichen how much did you spend? I know you managed to save a lot working for your uncle but you and Mochou will be starting a family soon. You can't do that while living in that rundown hut of his. You need to think about buying a new house. Actually the Quin family the next street over are moving in with their son in law in town next month. You could buy their old house. It needs some repairs but it has four bedrooms and a decent sized yard to raise some chickens." His mother said.

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