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*Taehyung’s view*

As we made our way back to the dorm, exhaustion weighed heavily on me. Every step felt like a struggle, my body aching with fatigue.

Jin started walking fast and announced "I'll go first, I need a quick shower,"

Namjoon chimed in, "Same here, I'm sweating buckets. You go ahead, i'll follow you."

"I can barely walk," I confessed, feeling the strain in my weary muscles.

Hoasok, ever the caring hyung, offered to stay with me. "Okay then, we'll take it slow. I can't leave you alone in this street," he said reassuringly.

Grateful for his consideration, I nodded, leaning on him for support as we continued our way to home.

When we arrived at the dorm, Jin and Namjoon had already finished their showers and changed into comfortable clothes. They were both sitting in the living room, engrossed in their phones.

"I'll go first for a shower," Hoasok announced, heading towards the bathroom.

I stepped into my room, intending to wait for him to finish, but suddenly my body started itching. It was unbearable, almost like an allergic reaction.

Rushing to the bathroom, I stripped off my clothes. "Hoasok, I'm coming with you for the shower. My body is itching too much, I can't take it anymore," I announced, quickly joining Hoasok under the running water.

Feeling the warm water cascading over my skin provided some relief from the itching sensation. Hoasok and I showered together, the sound of the water helping to soothe my frazzled nerves.

"Did you have any allergies or something?" Hoasok asked as he lathered soap onto himself.

"I don’t know. I think it’s because of some fabrics or sweat. I’m not sure," I replied as I began to lather soap onto myself as well.

"Then you should see a doctor," Hoasok advised me.

"Hoasok, can you please massage my shoulders? Maybe I made a wrong movement or something," I requested from Hoasok, who agreed. He asked me to press my front body against the wall and extend my arm behind me.

The water continued to wash away the tension in my muscles as Hoasok's skilled hands worked their magic on my shoulders. With each gentle knead, I could feel the knots loosening, the stress melting away.

Suddenly, the shower door opened, and I heard Hoasok shouting. At first, I didn't see who it was, but when I opened my eyes, my face still pressed against the wall, I saw Jungkook. His eyes and mouth were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost. Then he slammed the shower door shut and left.

Now, who will I tell Jungkook that there was nothing as he imagined? How can I explain to him that Hoasok was just helping me with my shoulders?

I closed my eyes again and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with this boy?... Uff... Is your shoulder still hurting?" Hoasok asked.

"No, no, it's okay now. Thank you, Hoasok. I'll just clean the soap off my body and let you continue your shower," I said as I adjusted my body towards the water spray.

As I rinsed off the soap from my body, I couldn't shake off the image of Jungkook's shocked expression from my mind. How could I explain to him what he saw? The situation felt awkward and uncomfortable, convaincing Jungkook is more hard than winning the BB award.

I went out from the shower, leaving Hoasok continuing his.
I saw the cup and cereal spilled on the floor. Taking a few moments to collect my thoughts, I stepped out of the bathroom. I went to my room to quickly put on my pajamas.

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWhere stories live. Discover now