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*Taehyung's view*

We're back to Seoul, resuming our practice sessions. Today, we have a fan sign event, so it's essential to prepare ourselves to make our fans'day special.

I find myself in the corner of the waiting room, fiddling with my phone, or perhaps just pretending. It's hard to ignore the fact that Jungkook is spending more and more time with Jimin lately, praising his dancing skills.

Seeing Jungkook and Jimin so close makes me wonder if i should suppress my feelings.

As the days go by, Jungkook's bond with Jimin continues to grow, which makes me feel a mixture of emotions. At times, I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy and a sense of longing, wondering if i'll ever have that same closeness with Jungkook.

I contemplate whether I should confront Jungkook about my feelings or keep them to myself.

Maybe it's time for me to let him know what's been bothering me. But every time I muster up the courage to do so, doubt creeps in, and I end up hesitating.

So, I continue watching from the sidelines, pretending to be busy with my phone, while deep inside, I'm struggling to figure out the true nature of my relationship with Jungkook and the feelings that have been growing within me.

We continued meeting our fans, and i observed the growing interaction between Jungkook and Jimin. It was becoming more apparent with each encounter. I felt a pain in my heart.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" Yoongi asked. I simply nodded, unable to find the words to express my feelings.

It felt like nobody could truly understand what I was going through.

I continued to interact with our fans, making sure they felt the love and appreciation we have for them. I also wanted to avoid any reprimands from our manager.

It's challenging to watch Jungkook and Jimin getting closer, but I need to find a way to deal with these feelings. Perhaps talking to someone about it might provide some clarity.

As the fansign event carried on, I couldn't help but steal glances at Jungkook and Jimin. They engaged with their fans in lively conversations, sharing laughter and smiles, and my heart ached.

When the program finally ended, we returned to our dorm. Lost in thought, I went directly to my room, changed into my pajamas, and lay on my bed. Placing a pillow over my head, i let my silent tears flow without anyone seeing.

As I lay there, my emotions weighed heavily on me. They say ignorance is bliss, but in this case, ignorance only brought pain.

The voice of Hoseok startled me from my thoughts. "Taehyungha, are you okay?" I quickly wiped away my tears and pulled the pillow from my face.

"No need to lie; I can see you very well. Do you still have insomnia?" Hoseok asked, and I just nodded.
"Do you want to go outside? Maybe a few minutes of walking will help, okay?" Hoseok continued.

I nodded and got out of my bed. I took my jacket and put it on over my pajamas.

At that moment, Jimin arrived. "Taehyung, where are you going?" Jimin asked.

"We will just walk a little bit and come back," Hoseok said.

"At this time? We just arrived from outside," Jimin continued, complaining.

'"Jimin, I found that video I told you about. Do you want to see it?" Jungkook said from the living room.

Jimin was waiting for me to say something, but I just grabbed my jacket and moved toward the dorm's door.

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz