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*Anonymous View*

Both Jungkook and Jimin left the studio together, and on their way, two girls were sitting at a bus station. One of them exclaimed, "Oh, look! Is that Jimin?"

The second girl responded, "Oh, yes, it's Jimin. And he's with Jungkook."

Excitedly, the first girl continued, "Are they together?"

The second girl questioned, "And why is he putting on sunglasses in the evening?"

Playfully, the first girl speculated, "Hehe, I think he wants to hide from fans like us, so we won't know that he's dating Jimin."

The second girl agreed, "Girl, you are so smart! Let's share it on Twitter."

Both girls took out their phones and posted on their accounts,  ‘Guess who we see right now: Jimin and Jungkook together.’ Other fans started responding to the tweet, asking if they were dating and making playful comments like, ‘Jimin knows how to take care of his baby.’…

*Jungkook's View*

We finally reached the dorm, and as we entered, the atmosphere was a bit tense. The other members were already there, probably discussing the video shoot. Jimin and I exchanged a quick glance.

"Oh, the two lovey-dovey birds arrived," Yoongi said, but I could feel his anger. He wasn't joking. Was he still mad at me about that video? I pondered in my thoughts.

"Yoongi, don't be angry. Calm down. Let's first understand what's going on," Namjoon and Hoseok tried to pacify Yoongi.

"But, w-what's happened? Don't tell me it's still about that video. We already talked about it in the studio… so… why are you angry now?" I asked Yoongi, my voice trembling. It was the first time I saw jimin and yoongi like that.

"Then can one of both of you explain what's going on? We are your hyungs if you forgot," Jin said, looking at me and jimin.

I was already tired physically and mentally, so I didn't want to argue with anybody. I just removed my shoes and went directly to my bedroom—the one I share with Namjoon. But before entering the room, I wanted to take a look at the other bedroom. I was angry at Taehyung, but my heart was still looking for him.

I took a quick look from the door, and I saw Taehyung lying on his bed, facing the wall with his back to the door. I couldn't bring myself to approach him.

Then I went directly to my bed, changed my clothes, turned off the light, and lay down. I wanted to forget that day, or, if possible, erase it from my memory.

*Jimin’s View*

When we enter to the dorm, i felt a strange atmospher, there was Namjoon Jin Hasok and Yongy seating in the seating room like they was waiting for us, and immediatly yongi looke at me and jungkook and said ‘’ Oh, the two lovey-dovey birds arrived’’, he was not joking, his face was full of anger which made me confused,

İ thinked that it was because of that video, but we already talk about it and i explained about that, so what’s happend now  ?!

The other memeberes tried to calm down yoongi, jungkook just left to his bedroom without saying anything. And i don’t know what’s gooing on with him too.

So i toke a seat near to yoongi , i looked to the members and i asked ‘’can one of explaine me what’s happend ?’’

‘’open your phone , and check our tweet page , then you will understand what’s happend’’ Jin said, i know jin when he is joking, but at that time he was calm and in the same time seriouse.

İ toke my phone, i opened our Tweet page and then my eyes was like it will come out from my face. ‘’w-what’s the fuck ? what’s this ?!!’’ i scream.

‘’i said the same when i saw it at first, then i show it to the members… Exept Taehyung, he didn’t see it cause he was alreading sleeping.’’ Haosok told me .

‘’Jimin, you are so precious to me and you know this. So already i m not happy about that video, and this sheats’’ Yoongi said.

‘’realy yongi please, realy there nothing from all of this’’ i tried to convaince and calm down yongi

‘’and what coinsidence, both of them on one day’’ yoongi said, he sigh and continue ‘’why jungkook was warring the sunglacess at the evening ?’’

‘’he said that his eyes was so tired and sleepy and he don’t want that fans see him like that’’ i told to Yongi.

‘’any way guys, i think is better to forget this day , we have to go to sleep now and take rest , all of us are tired’’ Namjoon said. And all of us we moved then each one of us go his bedroom, me  and hosok also as we was sharing the same room with Taehyung.

I entered the bedroom, changed into my pajamas, and before settling into my bed, I went over to Taehyung's bed. I lay down next to him, hugging him from behind, and whispered, 'Taehyungnie, I miss you, my shingoa. Only you can understand me.' I sighed and then moved to my own bed.

****See you next chapter ****

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu