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*Taehyung’s View*

When everyone had fallen asleep, Jimin approached me cautiously, making sure Hoseok hyung wouldn't wake up as tree of us we was sharing same bedroom. He took my hand and whispered, '’Shh, be quiet. Come with me.’' He was carrying a laptop with him.

I asked him, ‘'I think it's Namjoon's laptop, right?'’

‘’Yes, just be quiet and follow me to the rooftop,’' Jimin whispered.

We tiptoed through the dorm to avoid making any noise. Jimin led the way, guiding us to the rooftop. The night was clear, and the stars sparkled in the sky. It was a peaceful night, and the cool breeze brushed against our skin as we reached the rooftop.

Jimin sat with his back against the wall, placed Namjoon's laptop on his lap, and motioned for me to sit. I sat down next to him, and the soft glow of the laptop screen illuminated his face.

"So, what's this all about, Jimina?" I asked, curious about our secret late-night rendezvous.

Jimin grinned mischievously. "I asked Namjoon hyung to use his laptop for my homework and to learn some new movments dance from meria… and when I opened it, I'll show you what I found... First, we have to put on the earphones." He opened the laptop, revealing a video file.

‘’Whah, jimini, these are p0rn videos’’ I exclaimed with my wide-open eyes.

"Shhh, someone can hear us... yes, it is," Jimin said as he took a comfortable position to watch the videos, and I did the same.

The first video started, then the second, the third. I started feeling the heat in my body, and my... inner parts reacted. I stammered, "Jimin, I think it's better if we close this and go back. I can't guarantee my self-control right now, and I don't want to look at you, or else I'll jump you."

I could sense that Jimin was also in a similar situation. "You're right, I can't resist," he said as he closed the laptop.

"I'm going to take a cold shower right now. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep... even though I don't like showering at night," I told him.

"Yes, me too, I will take a cold shower," Jimin said, and continued, "We can take a shower together if you want... I know that you don't like to take a shower at night," Jimin suggested.

"In normal conditions, I'd say okay, but now... never. Just stay near the bathroom door so that I can feel your presence," I replied.
We entered the dorm, I rushed to the shower, yanked off my pajamas, and turned the cold water on as if I was trying to extinguish a fire. Fortunately, it worked, and my body temperature returned to normal. After my 'refreshing' experience, Jimin entered the shower and tried to achieve the same level of coolness. We emerged from the bathroom as if we'd just completed a top-secret mission.

Meanwhile, Hoseok opened his sleepy eyes and questioned, '’Hey, where have you two been at this ungodly hour?'’

Jimin, ever the smooth talker, said, '’We were working on a very, very urgent...uh, research project. Very classified stuff.'’

I, on the other hand, just closed my eyes and started contemplating the most random things – like what would happen if the world's cats suddenly learned how to dance – all to distract myself from the lingering memory of those p0rn videos. My brain needed a palate cleanser before I could even think about sleep.

Hoseok, looking half-confused and half-amused, raised an eyebrow. "Research project at 3 in the morning? Seems legit. But you guys look like you just discovered the secret to eternal youth."

Jimin, still in his secret-agent mode, leaned in closer to Hoseok and whispered, "Hobi, you didn't hear it from us, but we may have stumbled upon an ancient scroll hidden deep within the internet that revealed the secret to never aging."

I couldn't help but join in, "Yes, and it involves... um, taking cold showers in the middle of the night. It's the elixir of youth!"

Hoseok, now fully awake, burst into laughter. "Wow, I've been doing it all wrong. I need to start following your 'scientific research' methods!"

****See you next chapter ****

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWhere stories live. Discover now