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*Anonymus’s View*

The boys returned to S. Korea after completing their shoot in US and took some much-needed rest in their dorm.

The next day, after finishing their scheduled programs in the company, Jin suggested watching the footage from the US shoot before heading back to the dorm.

"Namjoon-ha, can you ask the manager if we can see the video now before going to the dorm?" Jin requested.

"Yes, I want to see it too," added Hoseok.

"Okay, let me make the call," Namjoon said, retrieving his phone to contact the manager.

Jungkook with his big open eyes said "Why this hurry? We're so tired. We can see it another day."

"Generally, it's you who is more excited than us to watch the videos after shooting! What's happening now?!" Yoongi teased Jungkook.

‘Because I'm not ready for Taehyung's reaction,’ Jungkook tolde to himself in his thoughts, remembering what happened with Jimin during the shoot.

"Oh no, it's just because we are still tired, that's all," Jungkook quickly added, waiting for confirmation from the other members. However...

"We will just sit and watch and have fun. There will be no physical activity," Taehyung declared.

Namjoon got permission from the manager to watch the video. They entered the room where was a TV and a large table (like a meeting table with chairs around it).

Everyone took their seats: Yongi beside Jimin, Jimin beside Taehyung, Taehyung beside Jungkook, Jungkook beside Jin, Jin beside Namjoon, and Namjoon beside Hoseok.

The staff opened the TV and prepared to start the video.

The video started, and all the members began making jokes, teasing each other, and laughing. Then the scene where Jungkook told Jimin that he found him sexy and wanted him appeared. All the members looked at Jungkook, who was nervous, except for Taehyung and Jimin.

"Jungkook is like my son; I teach him not to be shy and to do whathever he wants, but he started with the wrong person," Yoongi said, looking at Jimin with a fake smile.

"He surprised me; I wasn't expecting him to do that, especially in front of the camera," Jimin tried to explain.

"Does that mean off-camera is okay for you, Jimin-ssi?" Yoongi continued.

"No,... I didn't mean that," Jimin replied.

"Do you see what you did, BRAT?" Jimin said, looking at Jungkook, who was still embarrassed and nervous but trying not to show it. Jin tried to change the atmosphere, saying, "Jungkook is like my son. I even gave him my bank card to use."

"But when you give me your bank card, you set a limit so that I don't buy everything I want," Jungkook said, making everyone laugh except Taehyung, who just smiled.

"Jungkook is like my son; I'm teaching him how to write song lyrics," Namjoon said.

"But every time I give you a new song lyrics, you delete all of the lyrics with a red pen, like my teacher in math," Jungkook added.

"He is like my son too because I'm teaching him how to be a good dancer," Hoseok said.

"Thank you, hyung, but you have to be a little smoother with your son," Jungkook replied.

"He is like my son too... You know how much I love babies and kids," Taehyung said without looking at Jungkook, who was shocked. Jungkook stayed speechless, not knowing what to say, managing only to utter, "Y-your son?" Jungkook felt a harsh pang in his heart, trying to stop his eyes from tearing.

*Jungkook’s view*

İ was not wating to hear that form Taehyung.
His son ? kid ? baby ?, i was fithing so that he can remove me from freinds cathegory to be his lover, and now he put me in sons cathegory ?!.

My heart was shaken at that moment, i didn’t know what to do or what to say. İ just tried to stop my tears to not fall from my eyes. I feelt like my legs can't carry me.
By brain stoped to work.

I stood there, frozen, as the reality of Taehyung's words sank in. His careless declaration felt like a dagger to my heart. I never anticipated being relegated to the ‘son’ category, especially after yearning for something more between us.

My mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Hurt, confusion, and a sense of rejection mingled within me. I desperately wanted to escape, to find solace where I could process this unexpected blow, but I was paralyzed.

‘’Ok guys, i think it’s time to go, we have to take rest, so that tomorrow we can practice for new coregraphy’’ Haosok said as he stand up.

everyone stood up, including Taehyung, who moved away without sparing me a glance.

Then i said, ‘’i-i want to use wc first’’

‘’Are Okay ? do you want me to come with you’’ Jimin said as he was worry about me.

‘’i m okay, there is nothing… i m okay’’ i said as i tried to reasure jimin and the other members.

‘’okay then, you can go, and i will wait for Jungkook, i can not let him alone’’ Jimin told to the members.
‘’Taehyung-ha, you can stay with us, and we'll go together,’’ Jimin suggested to Taehyung, who was already near the door.
‘’No, i m tired, i need to sleep’’ Taehyung stated without looking at Jimin or at me and left the room.

*Taehyung’s View*

At that moment as i watched that scene unfold in the video, it felt like a knife stabbing into my heart. The pain was so intense that I wanted to cry, but I couldn't allow my tears to be seen by the members or the staff. I wasn't ready to face their questions or morals.

I found myself at a loss, unsure of what to do or say. When the members started teasing Jungkook by playfully claiming him as their son, i find it a good occasion to say what i said.
İ said that, and my message was like, even when you did that, i will never hit on you. Maybe i will take my distance , but it still filt hard, so hard for my heart.

When Hoseok suggested leaving, I was the first to stand up. I needed the solace of my bed, where I could let my tears fall freely onto my pillow. That was all I yearned for in that vulnerable moment.

*Jungkook’s View*

As I entered the bathroom, I locked the door behind me and leaned against it, the reality of Taehyung's words hitting me like a tidal wave. ‘He's like my son,’ echoing in my mind. The weight of those words, he realy made a wall just infront of my face..

My eyes start tearing, and I quickly wiped it away, refusing to let myself break down. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. cause jimin was outside waiting for me, i don’t want him to see me crying autherwaise he bombard me with his unecessary questions.

I put on sunglasses to hide my eyes and exited the bathroom. Jimin looked at me with concern, but I avoided his gaze. I couldn't bear the sympathy or the questions that might follow.

"Jungkook, it's already evening. Why did you put on your sunglasses?" Jimin asked, his worry evident in his voice.

"I'm tired and so sleepy. Maybe we can meet some fans outside, so I don't want them to see my sleepy eyes," I managed to reply, attempting to divert Jimin's attention.

Both of us left the studio, heading toward the dorm. My mind was in disarray, and I didn't know what to do. The entire way, I remained silent. Thankfully, Jimin didn't press me with questions either.

****see you next chapter ****

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