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*Anonymous’s view*

Next day at night

‘’Namjoonah, i want to talk to you about something, can you come out side please. But nobady have to see you’’ jin writed this message and send it to namjoon. Who pick his phone and go out after reading jin’s message.

‘’yes! did you miss me?’’ Namjoon said playfuly when he go to see jin.

‘’yah, i would like to answer you with one of my dad jokes, but not now, i have something more important to tell you’’ jin said with small voice so that nobody can hear him.

‘’what’s happend ? i m listning’’ nomjoon said.

‘’our maknae line, i thing their is something between them’’ Jin said

‘’Like what ? can you be more clear ?’’ namjoon said

‘’this morning i was seating near to the sweeming pool, nobody was there, their was only noona , you know that girl whom jungkook always teasing her’’ jin said

‘’yes, countinue’’ namjoon said.

‘’so we sat together, and we were talking about random things.. and soudenly, she told me that, she was controling the cameras registrations which are fixed in our rooms, cause the manager asked to do it for him.
So when she checked, she saw like Taehyung seemed to kiss jungkook on his lips, but she is not sure if he did it intentionally or he was just dreaming. So she deleted that part from registration so that the manager or other staff can not see that.’’ Jin said

‘’so, it mean that we have to talk with taehyung about that’’ Namjoon said

‘’yah, are you crazy ?’’ jin said, and continue ‘’i m not telling you this to scold him, you know that he is very sensible. And he might have just been dreaming.’’ Jin said.

‘’ok, then, what is your advice ? what we should do now ?’’ namjoon asked as he was verry interested.

‘’and today, when their was shooting the writing diary in caravan, sodenly, Taehyung and Jungkook stared at each other which made the manager who was filming be angry about both of them’’ jin continue.

‘’i think Jungkook have a romantic feeling for Tae , i can understand this from his eyes.. and for Tae, i don’t if he have the same feeling for him, or he have feeling for jimin. I couldn't figure it out. Or maybe neither Jungkook nor Jimin, you know Taehyung is like butrfly with everybody, ok he is always saying 'I love Jimin,' but I don't know if it's in a romantic way or a soulmate way.’’ Jin continue his explanation.

‘’and what’s about jimin ?’’ namjoon asked

‘’for jimin, I think he has a secret admiration for Taehyung. but he doesn't want to show it.’’ Jin said

‘’ok, so what we have to do now ?’’ namjoon asked

‘’we need to know the real feeling of Taehyung, and for whom. Now, i need you to use your high IQ to find out ’’ jin said.

Namjoon nodded in agreement, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "Alright, I'll do my best to find out. But we need to be careful with how we approach Taehyung. We don't want to make him uncomfortable."

Jin added, "You're right, Namjoon. The last thing we want is to hurt Taehyung. We have to handle this with utmost care. If there is really something between them, we have to protect them and guide them. They are still young, and maybe they don't know what to do."

Namjoon said, "I'll start by talking to Taehyung privately and try to gauge his feelings. Maybe he'll open up to me, and I can get a better sense of what's going on."

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWhere stories live. Discover now