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The room buzzed with excitement as the seven boys prepared for the upcoming event 5MAR7 FAMİLY, only few hours away.

As they are preparing themselves, Yongi expressed his enjoyment of their time in Northern European countries and the successful concert in Paris.

Yongi said ‘’We really enjoyed in the Northern European countries, like we got new blood and energy... and just after, we had a great concert in Paris’’

Meanwhile, Taehyung, in another corner of the room, shared his love for Paris, catching Jungkook's attention ‘’I love Paris’’

He then playfully looked at Jungkook and said, "shutem," pouting his lips, which elicited a giggle from Jungkook.

Jin expressed his hope that the company could arrange similar events for them in the future ‘’I hope the company can arrange this for us from time to time. It would be a great variety show for us and our fans.’’

Namjoon added that the manager informed him about potential future seasons based on fan response  ‘’Yes, the manager told me that if the fans like this first b0n V0yaGe, then it will continue as the first season, with a new season each year in a new country for 9 or 10 days.’’

Hoseok and Jimin chimed in, expressing confidence that their fans would enjoy it.

As the anticipation lingered in the air, Jungkook approached Taehyung, whispering to him ‘’The best part I'll never forget from that voyage is when you were drunk, you was so cute.’’

-View from the past in b0n vOyAge-

The scene from the past in b0n v0yAge unfolds with the seven boys enjoying a laid-back evening outside their caravan, indulging in drinks.

As the night progressed, Taehyung became noticeably drunk. Stumbling and attempting to speak, he declared, "Okaaay... I'm... I'm gOin' to sleEp." Taehyung tried to stand, but his legs couldn't support him.

Jungkook, having consumed less alcohol, observed Taehyung's struggle. "Wait, Tae, you're drunk. I'll help you," he offered, holding Taehyung by the waist to prevent any falls.

In his intoxicated state, Taehyung insisted, "NoO JunGkOoKie, I'm nOt dRunk, I JUsT fEel DiZzY WhEn I lOok tO yOuR EyeS," struggling to articulate with his deep, drunken voice. Jungkook felt a flutter in his stomach.

"Oh Taehyungha, you become so cute when you're drunk," Jimin teased, eliciting laughter from the others.

Jungkook, determined to assist Taehyung, guided him into the caravan. As they entered, Taehyung expressed his desire for Jungkook to stay with him.

"KoOkiE, CaN yOu stAy WitH mE, I WaNt tO huG YoU sO I CaN sLeEp, oKaY BaBy?" Taehyung pleaded, resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder and placing soft kisses on Kookie's neck. Jungkook, feeling overwhelmed, held Taehyung close, savoring the moment before breaking the hug discreetly.

Jungkook placed Taehyung in his bed and slept beside him. Lost in the serene beauty of Taehyung's sleeping face, Jungkook whispered compliments,

‘Ah, Taehyungie, I can't resist your handsome face. When you're awake, you're like a tiger, and when you're sleeping, you're like an angel’

He caressed Taehyung's closed eyes, then his cheek, and touched his soft lips.

Jungkook slowly moved his lips closer to Taehyung's, but before touching, the caravan door opened , Jungkook quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWhere stories live. Discover now