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This morning, the seven boys finished their breakfast and prepared themselves to go for practice, except Taehyung, who had his casting for the k-drama.

"Taehyung, if you finish filming early, come to the studio to join the practice with us, okay?" Haesok asked.

"Today is the last day for filming my role... I'm so stressed," Taehyung said as he was putting on his shoes.

"Of course, our Taehyung is the best actor," Yoongi said, patting Taehyung on the back.

"And the most handsome actor, number one," Jungkook said, making Taehyung blush.

As Taehyung left the dorm for his casting, the rest of the boys headed to the studio for their practice session. They were focused on perfecting their routines and preparing for upcoming performances.

*Taehyung's view*

I arrived at the filming location, prepared to give my best performance. In the makeup room, after doing the make up and wearing the costum, I felt the need for some encouragement from my dad, so I dialed his number.

Dad: ''Hello Tae.''
Me: ''Appa! Are you okay? Your voice sounds tired.''
Dad: ''I'm okay. No worry.''
Me: ''Appa! Is my grandmother okay? Yesterday, I called her, but she didn't answer.''
Dad: ''She's a little bit sick. I took her to the doctor, but she's okay now.''

While talking to my dad, I could hear my mom shouting in the background.

Me: ''Appa, who is Mom shouting at?''
Dad: ''She's shouting at your brother. He wants to stop going to school.''
Me: ''But why?''
Dad: ''Don't bother yourself; we will handle it. How are you doing with your kdrama?''
Me: ''Today is the last day for casting my role. I'm so stressed, and I needed your support.''
Dad: ''You're doing well, Taehyung. Just trust your heart, do what you love with passion, and be sure you will succeed.''
Me: ''Thank you, Appa. I have to cut off now. I'll try to call Jugy and talk to him later.''

I finished the call with my dad, but I couldn't help feeling the need to call my little brother and ask him why he wants to stop going to school.

I dialed my little brother's number, waiting anxiously for him to answer. The phone rang, but he didn't pick up my call. I tried multiple times, but he still didn't answer. I started feeling nervous, wondering if something was wrong.

Unable to reach Jugy, I decided to send him a text message, but unfortunately, I had forgotten to charge my phone yesterday. Now the battery was at 1%, and the phone turned off.

A few moments later, I noticed Woshik coming toward me, smiling.

By the way, Woshik is one of the main characters of this kdrama, and we've become good friends. He supported me so much. Not only him but also Seojon, Peakeboy, and Hyongsik; they are so nice and have supported me a lot. They are much taller, and I look like their little brother next to them.

Anyway, when Woshik approached me, he said, ''How is our handsome boy today?''

I smiled, still thinking about my brother, and said, ''A little bit nervous.''

Woshik patted my back and said, ''Don't worry, you will be good as usual.''

I just nodded. Then Woshik asked, ''Is something bothering you?''

''My phone is turned off, and I need to make a call, Is there any telephone booth nearby?'' I asked.

''Why a telephone booth? You can use my phone,'' Woshik said.

''No, no, I just want a telephone booth,'' I replied.

''Yes, there is one. Come with me; I will show it to you,'' Woshik said.

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWhere stories live. Discover now