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*Jungkook’s view*

Two days had passed since that night's conversation, and the weight of my unanswered question to Taehyung lingered, disrupting my sleep and occupying my thoughts. Taehyung's apparent avoidance and occasional coldness added to my restlessness. I couldn't endure his indifference; I missed him.

We have show today, so i prepared tow cup of hot choklet. ‘"Taehyung, do you want hot chocolate? I made two, one for you and one for me. It'll give you energy," I offered as I handed him one of the cups.

Taehyung accepted the cup, offering a cute boxy smile and a simple thank you. A sense of relief washed over me. ‘Thank goodness, he accepted it from me. I was afraid he'd refuse,’ I thought to myself.

"And me? I need energy too. Did you make one for me, Kookie?" Jimin asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"No, I didn't," I replied.

"But why?" Jimin questioned, putting on a pouty face. "Even the MC from yesterday said that i m taking care of you these days. So why didn't you make me hot chocolate?"

"Yeah, don't remind me about that MC. And you can make it yourself," I teased, offering a playful smile.

*Taehyung’s View*

I woke up today feeling unusually happy, filled with energy after chatting with my new friend before going to sleep. He's a cool guy, an actor named Bogum. We met on a show where he was the MC, exchanged numbers, and quickly became friends. Now, he's invited me to grab a drink or a meal together sometime.

As I sipped the hot chocolate handed to me by Jungkook, I welcomed the energy boost, especially after staying up late.

Throughout the day, Jungkook made continuous efforts to be close to me, whether it was hugging me from behind on stage or sharing jokes. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he saw me only as his best friend, nothing more. Moving on was easier said than done, but I resolved to give it a try. Perhaps spending time with my new friend, Bogum, could help clear my mind, even if just a little bit.

*Anonymou’s View*

two days passed, the seven boys had a new meeting with their fans , also it was good, good to meet with army. They were happy.

When they finiched their fan meeting, they go back to the studio so that they can change their polisman costumes and back to their dorm.

The atmosphere in the dressing room was lively, filled with laughter and banter. As Jimin and Jungkook was watching videos on media app "Jikook" moments fans had compiled, the other members joined in the curiosity.

Hoasok approached them with a playful demeanor, asking, "What are you both watching? Make us laugh too."

Jimin, still chuckling, explained, "Some fans created a name for me and Jungkook, Jikook. They're writing on Twitter, 'Jikook moments,' and sharing too many videos just featuring both of us."

Yongi, intrigued, inquired, "Why only for both of you? Is there anything special or something we don't know?" Yongi said as he was seating infront of the merror, removing his eyes from the artis makeUp.

"They are saying that we look good together," Jungkook replied, glancing at Taehyung, who seemed engrossed in his phone.

"No, they are saying that we are dating because they always see us together," Jimin added, bursting into laughter and nearly falling from his chair.

Namjoon, curious to see for himself, took the phone from Jungkook's hand. After scrolling through the content, he remarked, "I don't know, but it seems like most of them are not Korean."

But I Still Want You  S2 / Taekook VkookWhere stories live. Discover now