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*Taehyung’s view*

When i entered to the bedroom, I heard Jin hyung say, -Don't think you are safe- to jungkook, i was woried, did he do something wrrong ? I told to my self. But when I asked Jungkook, he said there was nothing, then i didn’t want to insist. If he want to tell me he will tell me.

As all of us sat in the living room to enjoy the dessert Jin prepared.

Hoseok asked jungkook and said "and you jungkook, why you don't go to gym with Taehyung and jimin ?"

"No. For me i want to do workout, i want my muscles to be like Namjoon hyung" Jungkook said as he was looking to Namjoon.

"Oh really ? You like my muscles ?" Namjoon said.

i didn't like that conversation, so i left for the bedroom. As i told them that i was tired and i want to sleep.

"Are you ok Taehyung? Do you need any help ?" Yongi asked me with interest face.

"No. I m ok hyung, I just want to sleep" i said as i countinue my way to my bed.

‘So, Jungkook, do you like Namjoon's body? I'm not happy that you've started ignoring me and spending more time with Jimin. I don't know what's happening between both of you.
And now, you're praising Namjoon's body right in front of me. Maybe I have to ask him. I can't keep this question inside of me; I have to understand what's going on,’ I thought to myself.

I lay on my bed, took my phone, and then I saw Jungkook approaching me. He sat beside me and asked, "Hyung, are you okay?"

I replied, "Yes, I'm okay; I'm just tired."

Then I continued, "Jungkook, …do you really like muscles? I mean, do you want to workout just to be like Namjoon hyung?"

Jungkook responded with his cute bunny smile and said, "I want to workout so that my body can be stronger and I can protect you. You've always protected me, and now I want to protect you."

Jungkook's words made me so happy, knowing that he wants to protect me. I couldn't help but hug him, put my head on his shoulder, and close my eyes without saying anything.

‘’Uh, Jungkook, I have one question, and I need an answer…. But if you don’t want, then you don’t have to’’ I said to Jungkook as I broke the hug and looked at his cute face. Jungkook just nodded with a smile on his face, indicating that it's okay to ask.

So, I asked, "Is there anything between you and Jimin? I mean, do... um, do you love Jimin?"

Jungkook remained quiet for a few moments, and the silence began to weigh on me. He looked lost in thought, shifting in his seat, his fingers fidgeting nervously. His expression turned serious, and he avoided making direct eye contact with me. Eventually, he let out a sigh and spoke.

"Well... Jimin and I have become close... and, well, I have deep affection for all the members. My feelings can be a bit complicated."

I couldn't bear the ambiguity any longer, so I pressed, "Just tell me, Jungkook. Do you love him?"

Jungkook met my gaze, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I love him,…. and I love you."

The weight of his words hung in the air for a moment, and I could sense the complexity of his emotions. "I see," I said softly, averting my gaze to my phone. "I'm tired, and I need to get some rest."

After our conversation, I found myself lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind racing. The words ‘I love him, and I love you’ echoed in my head, and I couldn't ignore the weight of Jungkook's feelings any longer.

My phone buzzed with a message from Jimin. (Hey, TaeTae, i want to show you something, but after everybody will be sleep) I debated how to respond, unsure if I should share the conversation I had just had with Jungkook. But then I said to myself that is better to forget what happened.

*Jungkook’s view*

At that moment when Taehyung asked me that question, I panicked. I wasn't prepared to answer that question at the time.

My thoughts were a chaotic mess. If I said I didn't love Jimin, it would be a lie to myself because I do care about him, but it's more like the way you love a close friend or a cool brother. But I didn't know how to articulate that in the heat of the moment.

So, when Taehyung asked if I loved Jimin, I told him that I did, and I also told him that I loved him. I was hoping he'd ask for an explanation so I could clarify that my feelings for Jimin were different from what I felt for him, but he didn't. Instead, he seemed disappointed, or at least I think that's what it was.

I'm not entirely sure what happened. Is he jealous? Is it about me or Jimin? My brain feels like it's about to short-circuit. I need another chance to talk to Taehyung about this and get answers to my own questions .

****See you next chapter ****

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