My best course of action now is to just challenge a higher floor and reach level 1000 before another Dark Guard shows up. So, that's exactly what I decide to do. Trying to grind out more levels on this 39th Floor will take far too long for my liking, a little push is exactly what I need.

I dungeon walk down to meet Arie one more time to let him know my plans, and we both agree this is a good time for him to end his training session and go back to the Town in Sector 2.

My body double transfers the millions of MP worth of crystals and loot it's farmed over the last few hours to me, and I place it in my item storage for safekeeping. Then, it brings Arie back to the dungeons in the Canyon to wait for my return after I finish with this final floor.

Minutes after they leave, I feel the memories of my double flood back into me. My other two are busy, so I'd still like to have one as backup.

This makes me think. Although I could ask Ember for assistance moving forward, and we'd most likely wipe the floor with any opponent using his Soul Energy cleansing flames, I'm determined to reach level 1000 on my own. Relying on my allies is a great backup plan if needed, but ensuring that my own strength is enough is more important to me.

With this in mind, I dungeon walk back up to floor 39 and jump through the boss room portal.

Wasting no time at all, I imbue my sword with Qi and slice the level 996 Minotaur Boss in half before it's even able to activate its Ranked Up buff.

[Level Up]

I hit level 989.

"The mutants on the actual floor put up more of a fight."

I chuckle to myself and store its massive mana crystal along with two shimmering silver axes with +170% Strength buffs on them into my item storage and wait for the transfer magic to bring me up to the next floor.

Once the white flash fills my vision and ceases, leaving me in an endless dirt pit with no exit portal in sight, I activate my perception skills and confirm that this is a Boss Room just like the 20th Floor...

The sky above me is dark, almost black, and the dirt pit I'm stood in slants upward at a very slight incline for about 500 meters on all sides around me. It's a very plain and simple Boss room, but it tells me whatever monster guards it relies on its own strength and battle strategies rather than any environmental advantages.

A single Status pops up in my mind's eye as the figure of a human walks toward me with his arms crossed. He seems to be a bit taller than a normal human, roughly 2 meters, but the proportions are not oversized like the human form of the Colossal I faced before.

He has black boots, blue jeans, a worn-out white T-shirt, and bulging muscles that look like they're tearing these pieces of clothing at the seams.

His skin is light brown, his hair is dark black, and his sideburns are trimmed up almost as sharp as his stare.

Static electricity ripples around him with every footstep he takes closer to me, and I see a shimmering gold collar made of Soul Energy wrapped around his neck.

The arcs of electricity grow larger and larger the closer he gets, and the golden collar gives off an eerie glow similar to an item I've only seen one time before.

It feels just like the golden ring I saw around the Vice Region Director's Finger.

The depths of this power are evil and seemingly limitless.

I do a full inspect and appraisal scan.


[Lv. 1101]

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now