They broke into a sprint before skidding to a halt in front of Hagrid. 

“Hagrid! The man you were with the other night. What did he look like?”

“I dunno, he wouldn’t take his hood off,” the giant answered at once. 

“But this stranger,” Sera pressed on. “You knew that he must have talked, right?”

“Of course he talked! He wasn’t mute or deaf! He asked me what kind of creatures I looked after. I told him that I looked after Fluffy.”

“Was he interested in Fluffy?” Harry asked, his voice peaked with interest.

“Of course he was interested in Fluffy! I mean, come on! How often do you come across a three-headed dog? No one knows how to get past Fluffy, except me, Dumbledore, and Flamel.” He chuckled proudly to himself. “But there is one trick to calm him, though. Just play him a bit a music and he'll fall straight to sleep.”

Sera’s ears perked up at his comment. 

There! That was the answer that they had wanted! The five of them gave each other glowing, excited looks. Hagrid immediately regretted what he said. 

“I shouldn’t have said that!” he exclaimed. But the five friends had already sprinted back to the castle. He called after them, but they didn’t listen. They sprinted all the way to Professor McGonagall’s office. Luckily for them, it wasn’t very far away from the castle's front door. 

Although Sera was still furious with Professor McGonagall for docking 50 points from Gryffindor — each — she still had her respect to the professor. And if anyone knew where Professor Dumbledore lived, it would be her. And they had to get the headmaster immediately. 

“We have to see Professor Dumbledore! Immediately!” Sera demanded at once. 

She found herself panting, out of breath. She hadn't run so hard before in her entire life. And now, the spike of adrenaline she had felt just moments earlier was beginning to fade. 

Professor McGonagall looked up at the five teens in surprise. “I’m afraid that Professor Dumbledore has gone out! He won’t be back until tomorrow morning, at the latest.”

Sera was becoming frantic. She found herself beginning to tremble in fear. 

“Gone?!” she repeated. Her voice was high and shrill. “Now?! But, Professor! This is extremely important! It’s about the Sorcerer's Stone!”

Professor McGonagall looked even more shocked than she had been when the five teens had barged into her classroom. Her body was rigid. 

“How did — How did you know —?” she stuttered, unable to get her words out. But Sera frantically interrupted her, pleading the old professor with her eyes.

“And we think that someone is trying to steal it!”

Professor McGonagall had finally recovered and straightened up her robes, giving the five teens a stern look.

“Now, I don’t know how the five of you found out about the Sorcerer’s Stone. But I can assure all five of you that the Stone is completely safe. I’m sure that you've heard that the Stone is guarded by spells and enchantments?” Before the five of them could say anything, she added, “I suggest that you should go back to your dormitories. Quietly.”

They sighed in defeat. Sera’s shoulders slumped. They slowly made their way out of the Transfiguration classroom. Once they got out of Professor McGonagall’s ear shot, they gathered in a tight-knit circle to discuss plans. 

“That was no mere stranger Hagrid was with that night,” he hissed. “That was Snape!”

Sera nodded and add just as quietly, “And with Professor Dumbledore gone —”

“Well, hello,” said a greasy voice from behind them. Sera slowly raised her head and felt her insides growing numb. She slowly turned to come face-to-face with Severus Snape, the Potions Master and the soon-to-be stealer of the Sorcerer's Stone. “And what are five young Gryffindors doing inside. . . . . on a day like this?”

Hermione tried to whip up a quick lie. 

“We were just — We were just —”

“You might want to be careful,” said Professor Snape oily. “You probably don’t want to be caught walking around the castle on a beautiful day like this. Or maybe, people will begin to think that you’re . . . . up to something.”

He nodded before turning on his heel, walking away. They waited until the Potions professor was out of sight before speaking again. 

“Now what are we going to do?!” Hermione hissed desperately. 

“Sera and I are going down that trap door,” Harry answered quietly. “Tonight.”


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