"Maybe 3 just for myself. We can also catch more and save them for the morning." Yichen suggested.

"I didn't bring a bucket. They'll die before we get home. It's better to eat fish when they are fresh. But if you want I can smoke a few to eat in the morning." Mochou explained.

"In that case let's only get enough for tonight." Yichen said as he set his sights on another fish only a meter away.

While he caught the last two fish, Mochou carefully strung the others together.

"I wonder if I can turn these into fish sauce? I've heard it's made by fermenting fish, but honestly I can't say for certain the exact recipe." Mochou mused as he headed over to deal with Yichen's fourth catch.


Mochou's steps slowed and he visibly moved behind Yichen as they approached the house.

"Is something wrong?" Yichen asked when he felt Mochou squeeze his hand. Concerned that maybe Mochou was feeling tired or hurt he stopped walking and turned to face Mochou.

"Who?" Mochou said as he nodded in the direction of the house.

Yichen looked over and from the corner of his eye he saw what looked like someone peeking out from behind a tree not far from their home.

"I don't know. Do you want me to go check?" Yichen asked as he glared at the person hiding behind the trees.

Before Mochou could answer the person seemed to realize he had been spotted and disappeared into the forest.

"Yichen, do we need to worry?" Mochou asked.

He wasn't sure what the crime rate was in the little village. In his dreams aside from his family and young children he didn't think there was much danger. However seeing someone suspicious near his home was still unnerving.

"It's most likely someone curious about our relationship. But if you are worried I can ask around and find out who it was. I also think we should build the wall up higher and fix the gate." Yichen said.

"How long will it take to fix the wall?" Mochou asked. He definitely wasn't opposed to more privacy.

"I can't say for certain maybe a a weeks. It depends on how many people are available to work. I'll talk to my dad about it tomorrow." Yichen promised.


Still feeling a little uneasy they continued on their way home.

When Mochou stepped into the yard he immediately started looking around. He needed to be certain nothing was taken.

"Yichen's family gave us several nice pieces of furniture and there's the cups we used for the wedding..." He began thinking of all the valuables they now had.

"Does he think the man intended to rob us?" Yichen wondered as he watched Mochou check the shelves and open the wardrobe.

After about five minutes Mochou seemed satisfied and finally stopped bustling around the room.

"Is anything missing?" Yichen asked.

"Nothing's missing but next time we might not be so lucky." Mochou said.

"I don't want to say it's impossible but my father has always boasted about the fact this village has no ruffians or criminals." Yichen said.

"The villagers your father knows and those I know are very different." Mochou retorted.

Yichen suddenly grabbed Mochou and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry you had to endure that. I swear as your husband I won't let them hurt you anymore. I will always be here to protect you. No one will ever hurt you again." Yichen stated in a firm low voice.

After Death, I Finally Met The Man Of My Dreams Where stories live. Discover now