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His body wasn't moving anymore and I stood up. Léonard should've never messed with me.
It didn't matter how much she would hate me after this, I want her to be safe, and not surrounded by people like him.
And that is probably one of the reasons why I would go much more far than to murder her own uncle.

Maybe it wasn't the best thing to burry him in his own garden. The breeze of the cold night air surrounded me, as I threw his gun next to him.

As the night grew colder, the air seemed to thicken with a dampness that crept through every layer of clothing.
The shadows crept up the walls, casting a ghostly chill as the moon hung dimly in the sky.
The streets were eerily silent, with few sounds apart from the distant bark of a dog or the hushed whisper of a passing breeze. All was still and quiet, with a deep and chilly loneliness in the air.
It was a crisp yet solemn night, with the icy chill of winter in the air.

I let out a sigh and leaned against the almost broken phone booth. As I entered, the smell of drugs and alcohol came up to my nose. I put some coins in it and pressed the only numbers I remembered and waited.

The line remained silent. Every ring was met with a long, drawn-out beep, until the line finally went dead. It seemed that no one was picking up on the other end.

Fucking hell.

I was already halfway out the door when I finally realized what was happening. The shock was setting in, and the adrenaline rush was beginning to fade.
My head was spinning, and my heart was pounding. I stumbled back to my motorcycle and tried to focus on the now, but my mind was clouded with confusion.

Thoughts flashed into my head, intruding on my focus and drowning out my surroundings. There, standing in the driveway, was my bike. Its gleaming chrome reflected the light of my headlights, inviting me to ride.

Goddamnit, I was about to loose my mind.

I tried to turn on my motorcycle, but my hand shook and my head was filled with questions.
Who would have done this? How did they get to Lilith without me noticing? My mind flood with thoughts, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins.

I felt dizzy and disorientated, my hands weak and my whole body tense. But how could I stop now?

Suddenly, someone jumped at me, tackling me down and throwing my balance out of whack.
I landed hard on the ground, my body slamming against the pavement with a thudding impact.
Pain shot through my body, and my head began to spin. I lay there in the darkness for a moment, enjoying the pain as it seemed to dull away the pain in my mind.

My eyes were closed, a deep sense of respite washing over me. Just when I was finally enjoying the release, there was a voice.

"Nicolas you fucking..-", I got grabbed by the shoulders. As I finally opened my eyes, I saw Kaan right infront of me, who didn't looked as angry as his voice was, he looked relieved. And then, he hugged me.

And without any questions, I let him. It felt good to have someone by your side. Someone who doesn't hesitate to punch you back into reality. "You're a fucking moron Nico. I have so many good reasons to just beat you up", Kaan says and helped me stand up.

I let out a tired laugh. "Is that so?" Kaan sighed at my nonchalance and his eyes met mine. "You don't have to pretend anymore. I know what happend."

He knew?

"You didn't pick up my calls, nor did you answer my texts. I went to Lilith's place..", Kaan stopped as if he isn't supposed to continue.

But I already knew what he was about to say, so I cut him off. "Why did you stop me?" I refused to let him explain.
"You're not in the right mindset right now. You're injured and you're after revenge. Face reality, Nicolas," Kaan said, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Wake up, I'm not going to let you risk your life."

My chest rose and fell as I removed my helmet. "I wouldn't have died," I mumbled.
But Kaan wouldn't let me finish. He gave a sarcastic laugh. "Are we really arguing about death now?"

I took a deep breath in. He was right. Kaan was protecting me. It took a lot of self-control to keep calm in the moment, but I couldn't deny his logic.
Kaan's words cut through my anger like a knife, his calm demeanor the perfect distraction for me to refocus.

I crossed my arms. "What is your plan?" He gave me a weak smile. The same smile I'd always loved, because it screamed danger. He may be the calmer one, but we both share the passion for adrenaline and danger. "Hop in, Alexine will treat your injuries in the car. I will try calling Jay and Kalila."

Then, he threw the car keys at me and I catched them with my wrong hand. I pressed my lips together in pain. "You also have to explain us why the fuck you're injured", Kaan added and pulled his phone out to call.


"You're insane, Nicolas." Alexine's voice pulled me back to reality as she finally finished bandaging my hand.

She had her long, shiny, brown hair pulled back into a high ponytail, and she had Kaan's jacket on as well, which was far too big for her.
But it suited her, and somehow I could picture the two of them together.

"I know," I said, a sense of relief spreading through my body as some of my adrenaline-fueled anger faded. "And I don't regret what I did."

Alexine gave me an approval nod. "That's right, Nicolas. I am proud of you." I let out a laugh as she smiled.

Kaan let out a deep sigh from the driver seat, as he drove the car with one hand on the steering wheel and with the other hand typing something on his phone. "You're proud that he killed the uncle of his love, Alexine? That's new. Where did the innocent went?"

She crossed her arms and leaned back, while secretly smiling amused at me.

"I saw that. Stop smiling at him, or Nicolas will sadly have to walk", Kaan commented in an annoyed tone while glaring at me in the mirror reflection. I watched as Kaan kept stealing glances over at me in the mirror reflection, as if he was watching me.

I turned my head to the window, as we passed the other cars. "Focus on the road, Kaan. Or we will all die with the age of eightteen. Where are we even driving?"

Kaan looked up from the phone and finally focused on the road, as he handed Alexine his phone. There was a red point at a location to see. "I tracked Lilith's device down and it says she is.. somewhere in this area", he explained to us.

He fucking tracked down her phone as if it was nothing. I looked closely at the map. "A forest?", I recognized. Alexine nod at my words. "One of the most biggest here. They really wanted to hide her", she spoke.

Kaan let out an amused laugh and I turned my head to Alexine. "Hide her?", I clenched my jaw, "they can try hiding her again after I go fishing with their eyeballs as the bait."

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