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I never had ran this fast in my life before. Maybe, because nobody ever threatend to take my life before, if I won't run. I ran past people, trying not to trip or bump into any of them.

The cold air caressed my skin as I ran the streets down. My hair was flying in every direction. I needed to find a place with many people.

Every single inch of my body was tired, but I pushed myself through the pain. It was so much better than getting a bullet through your skull. I ran past houses, got into diffrent streets and after more than a minute, I almost collapsed onto the ground.

But there was no time to waste, I needed to find a hiding spot. I tried to find my phone, but it was nowhere to find. No no no. Fuck.
Running to the police would be dumb, I don't even know what else dad did for illegal stuff. And maybe he'll be landing in jail. Oh fuck, I hated dilemma's.

I turned left, ran into another neighbourhood and had to stop for a moment to breath. I don't want to do this, but I also don't want to die at this age, nor do I want to get hold by those people.

So I clenched my fists together and ran further, until my legs wouldn't move anymore. I knew that I couldn't hide forever. It happend once. It happend ages ago. Dad was deep in debt's, and they appeared infront of our housedoor after a lot of warning's again. But we didn't had the money.

Back then, Mom and I were alone at home. We didn't knew what they wanted. And then, they..-

"You're a really naive little girl, Alexine", a deep voice says behind me. I immediately recognized it. His face was full with tattoo's and he had sunglasses on. His hair slicked back and he hold up his hand. A gun.

I flinched and stumbled a few steps backwards. How was this possible? How fast did he.. ? "I told you..", his voice was raspy and he came closer, "..if I'll catch you, you're done. Your father owns me over 20 thousand dollars. This amount of money isn't even worth your head."

$20,000 for what? I blinked a few times. Did I heard it right? The man stepped closer and grabbed my head with one hand, to look at me closely. "You have a pretty little face kid, but what will happen if I'll cut your mouth a bit wider..", he was in thoughts, "..and maybe break your nose. I'm not always this cruel, but I really need my money back."

I pressed my lips together and tried to not make any noises as I felt something cold on my chin. "I wonder how loud you're gonna scream when my bullet touches your skull." There was silence and then, he began to laugh like a maniac.

"Really? I wonder how many seconds I need, to wipe that ugly face off of yours", a voice says behind him. And then, a gun was pointing at the man's backhead. His body stiffens, as he felt the coldness of Kaan's gun on him. But he wouldn't let me go yet and Kaan snarled:"Get your hands off her or your skull will meet my bullet."

When he finally let me go, he slowly turned around and held both of his hands in the air. His eyes were wide open as he saw Kaan infront of him. "This.. This is your girl?", he stuttered.

"Move away from her, you piece of shit or I will take my cousin out fishing with your eyeball's as the bait."

He immediately moved away from me. There was fear in his eyes, and something I couldn't recognize. Like if they knew each other. "I thought you were dead, Weed", he whispered.

Kaan ran his hand through his hair. "Death doesn't suit me, but it would look good on you." Kaan paused for a second and glanced at me, before looking at him again. And then, he shot him.



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