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I shouldn't have let myself into this. I should've just mind my own business, but Lilith is my goddamn business. A world without her? Miserabel. And I don't fucking care how long it takes to find her, I will do it in the next 24 hours.

My hands searched for my motorcycle keys in my jacket, until I finally had found them. There was no time to waste anymore. I would burn down the whole continent if it means to get my revenge. And I will get my revenge. Nobody messes with me or what belongs to me.

And the world will gladly get a taste of it, if it means for them to know.

It took me 2 minutes and forty-five seconds to find out where exactly Léonard Lee is. And right now, he is located in fucking Icelyn. 5 hours away from our hometown.

That's nothing.

I aced more racing competition's than Jay and Kaan together. Give me 2 hours and I am already standing infront of his frontdoor. And I really don't give a fuck about the goverments rules. If it means for me to unalive someone for her, I will. Burn down private property? In a second.

I live by my own law.

The air blew my shirt back and my knuckles were turning white because of the hard grip. I dodged the big truck infront of me and overtook the other one in a second, until I couldn't saw them in my backmirrors anymore.

The highway was more crowded than I thought and I had to dodge every second and overtake plenty of cars. I glanced at my speed number.

220 km/h.

It was an average family house in a well filled neighborhood. It took me exactly 2 hours to get in Icelyn.

I pressed the almost broken doorbell.

No answer.

After pressing and knocking over almost fourteen times, I head into the backyard, jumped over a fence until I landed on the soft grass beneath me. The lights were on, somebody is at home but doesn't want to be bothered. But I didn't fucking care. I looked up if there were any windows open, but someone must had seen me coming and it looked like they were all locked.

I climbed up the tree next to it. Using all my strength, I made a risky step back on the stable branch and jumped.
The world spun around for a second as I jumped and dived headlong into the now shattered window. The glass shards flew everywhere around me as I landed in the room.
The floor of the bedroom is littered with many little shards of broken glass, the result of my entrace. The walls of the room are painted in a calming shade of blue. Although the glass has left tiny cuts on my face, there's a sense of calmness in this room, even in the midst of destruction.

I quickly knock off the dirt and dust off my clothes as I stepped out of the room. The hallway was quiet and empty. I noticed some paper lying on the ground as I walked past. My hands gripped the doorhandle of the room next to it, pressing it down. It was a classic homeoffice with an huge Panorama window.

Suddenly, I could recognize a tall figure. A big scar on his left cheek, going down to his jawline, brown dark eyes looking directly in mine as he held something up.
Léonard Lee.


I quickly kick the gun out of his hands, sending it flying. Léonard stares down at his weapon as it's knocked out of his grasp, and he lunges towards it. But I'm faster. I grab him by the neck and pull him away from his gun. He struggles in my grip, trying to reach for the weapon but unable to. Léonard starts hitting me with his fists, but I respond with a vicious punch to his face. He falls back, stunned.

I grab the man's arms and pin them down with my own as he struggles against me. He continues to hit me with his fists but I take the punches. I squeeze his arms tightly, preventing him from moving. He looks at me with hatred, gritting his teeth as he tries to free himself from my grip. Unfortunately for him, I'm stronger. I let go of one of his arms and strike him again, this time with a brutal elbow to the gut. Léonard doubles over in pain.

He lands rolling on the ground, coughing out blood as he was panting. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?", Léonard's raspy voice echoes in the empty room. I grab him by the collar of his shirt, forcing him to stare directly into my eyes.

"Where is Lilith?"

Léonard looks confused for a second, before gritting his teeth. I will break all of his bones if he hurted her. He coughs again, before wiping the blood away with the back of his hand. "Lilith? How should I know where the bitch is hiding again?", he spit in my face.

And suddenly, his head hit mine roughly. I lost my balance for a moment and my grip became looser. Léonard took the chance and quickly grabbed me by my torso, his strong arms locking around my body like a vice. "You're very naiv, Nicolas. Just like your father", Léonard declared.

And suddenly, he threw me across the room. I land with a loud thud on the ground, lying on my stomach as I tried to stand up.


"It was a mistake to come to Icelyn. You spoiled kids belong to Brighton", he pointed out. I clenched my jaw as he stumbled in my direction. "How do you know who I am?", I pressed out. Léonard stopped and an ugly grin was to see on his face.

"In your eyes. Your eyes never had the shine. And I know your parents, they all have grey eyes, like a wild storm. So why are yours dark brown?", he asks.

My teeth digged into my inner cheeks as I slowly stood up. There was a metallic taste on my tongue. "I was born this way", I groaned. I was loosing my temper and strenth. He came up to me and grabbed me by my throat, until his eyes were locked in mine.
"Romeo has grey eyes, Zane has grey eyes and even Reina", Léonard observed. He paused for a moment and squeezed his eyes to get a closer look. And suddenly, he found what he searched for. "I knew it."


In the next moment, I grabbed his gun up from the floor and shoot him in the stomach. Léonard groaned and stumbled backwards to the panorama window, clearly struggling to not loose his balance. I took all of my strength, took a deep breath.

A frontkick.

The huge window shatters and the glass shards are splashing everywhere as his body falls down. Léonards body lands and hit the grass in his backyard with a loud thud.
This would've never happend if he wouldn't had called Lilith a bitch.

Y'all better find a man who would unalive your own uncle if there's no choice (joke) (not a joke)

Nicolas might be hiding something from all of us tho😜

Also, if people are wondering about my update schedule: every weekend 2 chapters


Spoilers will be on tiktok

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