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"Don't be a whiny bitch and eat."

I didn't even bother to look up at the black skull mask with a red line starting above his left eye and going down until it reached the middle of the cheek, that he never took off since.

He had put a plate with rice and fish infront of me 10 minutes ago, but I wouldn't move a single muscle to eat it. Since the night I got kidnapped by him, he wouldn't let me out of his sight. We weren't in a normal apartment or house, I figured out that we were in a cabin, hours away from Brighton.

"Don't be a scared manwhore and take off that hilarious mask", I countered.

His eyes shoot in my direction and I could feel him getting more angrier, as he harshly grabbed my chin with his hand, forcing me to look up at his light brown eyes. "I can't stand spoiled bitches like you. Do as I say or..", he pulled out a sharp knife, " won't have that flawless skin for long anymore."

I can feel the cold metal of the knife pressed against my throat, just a few centimeters away from my skin, as his other hand reached to the back to pull my hair with force so I would look up. That sharp edge is stinging on my throat, and my eyes meet his gaze.

"Don't get ahead of yourself with that carnival mask. I may not know your name, but I will know your face", I threatend and raised my chin even higher.
He chuckled at my words. He was wearing a black hoodie and black boots, with his entire face hidden beneath the mask and the hood going deep down to his forehead. The only visible thing were his eyes, and I could hear the sound of his heavy breathing

His grip on the knife is tight, and his eyes are like those of a predator, watching his prey relentlessly. He leans in, and now he was only inches apart. I can see right into his eyes. A familiar shade of brown. "And how are you, helpless little girl, want to do that?"

He pulled harder on my hair that my hands formed into fists. I wanted to spit at him, or  kick him in his non-existence balls. But I am not that stupid enough to risk it.
Even if there's nothing to risk anyway. My own family abandoned me, leaving me with nothing but a bag and my car and a location: My uncle Léonard.

Even the slightest bit of his ugly scars and deep threatening voice made me get goosebumps all over my arms. I hate him so much, more than this scared fucker with the mask.

"Let go off her. She's not worth the time", a raspy voice suddenly appears behind me, and his grip softened, until he finally let go of me and threw the knife on the kitchen counter.
I hear the hard steps approaching, and I tense up as I wait for the appearance of the second man. He wore the exact same mask as the other one, the only diffrence was the strong poisonous paint in green, instead of the red one.

"What's with the plate?", The green one asked. He had the same black boots on, with the same dark silk jacket. But there was something that catched my eyes immediately. Something big on his back.

A fucking machine gun.

Who are these guys? And why did one of them carry a machine gun with them?

"The brat refuses to eat, Creed. And she has fucking attitude", the red one responded.
He leaned against the wall as Creed walked to me, lifted up the full plate and suddenly, his hand with the plate swings in my direction.
I duck in the exact moment, and the porcelain shattered in thousands of pieces after hitting the wall behind me.

My hands were shaking in the same moment, but I tried to remain calm. If he would see that this suprised me, he will use it for his own sake.
"This was your last warning. Disobey again  and I promise, I won't miss anymore", Creed said with a menacing tone.

They need me alive, I thought. That's why they won't let me starve. But at the same time, they don't hesitate to hurt me.

I knew I needed to come up with a plan, and it had to be a good one. I needed Creed to leave, he was my only threat right now. "Sorry, but-", I began, but suddenly looked out the window, pretending to see something.
Creed's face twisted into a frown as he looked around. Without a word, I closed my mouth and looked away, playing with his patience. "What did you fucking saw?", he asked impatient. I knew that I made him anxious, even if its just a little bit.

"Help!", I shouted and hammered against the window. Creed understood the assignment, grabbed me from behind and tossed me into his friend's direction, who immediately caught me and held my mouth shut.
"I think there's someone outside. Stay here, I'll go look", Creed said and stormed out of the cabin.

My plan had worked. I pretended to scream for help, even though nobody was here, to lure creed away. I could take his friend down, because he wasn't armed.
As the door shuts, I counted to seven, and then, my hands went down to his private part and I squeezed his balls as hard as I could. He groaned in pain and let go of me.

"You fucking bitch!", he growled and was about to attack me, when I dodged his fist.
I made a fast move forward, grabbed the knife on the kitchen counter but suddenly, his strong hand wrapped around my wrist, making me scream in pain as he twisted my arm. The knife dropped with a loud sound on the ground as I tried to get out of his grip.

I stumble backward from the force of his push and crash into the kitchen table, knocking off the plates and the vase.
Every single bit of me hurts, and I can't get air into my lungs.
My body is numb, and I'm in a state of shock from the pain. My legs are shaking as I took all of my strength to stand up again. The damage is more severe than I'd expected.


A sudden, sharp punch to my stomach.
I fall to my knees, my head spinning from the sudden blow to my stomach. Suddenly, I feel the pressure of his hand on my back, forcing me to drop to all fours.

I struggle to get back up, but he pushes me down again. His fist cracks my chest with another forceful blow, and I can feel myself losing my breath. All I can do is curl up into a ball and try to protect myself from him.


The door gets kicked open and someone enters the cabin. My vision was blurry, I couldn't tell what was up and what was down apart anymore. But I could recognize an unfamilliar voice.

"Miserabel. You're beating up a woman because you can't fight against a real man?"


And then, I heard a loud, anguished scream mixed with begging, pleading for mercy.

"Say your last prayers."


Y'all will looove him!(I already need him)

(I want to be in my active update era HELP)

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