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It was unusually quiet, as I entered the mansion. Before, I drove everyone home and promised Alexine a new car. As an apology for 'ruining' hers.

Mom and Dad are never home but usually Reina and Zane, my younger siblings who are also twins, are starting to make troubles at school and at home, and they are just eleven years old.

Don't know from who they got it, obviously not from their older brother.

I left the machete and the guns from Colin in the back of my car. There's no way I'm gonna let this in my room and show it to my siblings. First off, I need a plan. A good one. I can't just murder Alessandro and his bodyguards randomly on a sunny afternoon and then burry him in his own garden.

Well, I mean, I could. But I would end up in prison.

I should murder him when he's partying in clubs. But before that, I'll kidnap him, cut off his fingers one by one, let Zeke eat his eyeballs-

As if someone had read my mind, Zeke jumped on me. He was a 9 months old doberman. Zane wanted a dog for his birthday, so Mom bought us one. We could manage to get one without cropped ears, rescuing Zeke before the pain.

I can't understand how people are so cruel. Cropping of the ears from a dog so they'd look more 'dangerous' is bullshit. Zeke licked my face, a sign that he was happy to see me. I pet him a few times, before looking around.

"Zane? Reina?", my voice was loud. Suddenly, there were footsteps coming down and were heading directly at me. Two small arms were hugging me from behind and I turned the person around to hug them back.

Zane's arms were thightly around my waist, and I lifted him a few times up, before letting him down.

I slowly get on my right knee, so that I could see him directly in his eyes. Grey eyes like a wild storm, and rosy cheeks. A small piece of dirt was on them, and I wiped it away. "Dov'è tua sorella?", I ask my little brother.
(-Where's your sister?)

Zane shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. Goddamn, when she gets hurt, I'll fucking burn down every ground on this city. "Resta qui, vado a cercarla.", my hands were trembling as I searched in my room for my black bmw car keys, but I clenched my fists together.
(-Stay here, I'll go look for her.)

After Zane promised me not to leave his room anymore until I'll come back, I started the car. It was one of my favorites. Dad got it for me on my eighteenth birthday as a present. I prefer motorcycles more than cars, but it was starting to rain heavily outside.

My hands were clenched around the wheel, as I drove away. If Reina gets hurt, I'll find the person who is responsible for this and ruin their life.

No one should touch her, or even give her the slightes look of disrespect.

Honestly, if I had to choose which one of my friends I'd introduce to my siblings, I would've chosen none. Respectfully. I'd introduce my siblings to no one. I'm too overprotective of them.

After I parked my car, I walked up to every place Reina could be. Searched every corner and ally possible and knocked on every door in the neighbourhood I could find. But there was no sign of a little girl.

I didn't knew what to do anymore so I called my bestfriends. Kaan wouldn't pick up, the mailbox would always appear, but Jay picked up the phone right away. The background was loud, I could hear someone yelling and then glass breaking.

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