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I know that my life wasn't as exciting as from the cheerleaders. I never had the experience of large friendgroups nor love.
I never got the experience to hang out after school, wear short mini-skirts while jumping around with colorful pom-pom's.
There's no such experience, if you would be me.

Getting raised in a house where you were constantly compared to others always leaves an impact.
My mother always made me think that my older sister, Karina, was my rival, that if I couldn't be better than her, I'd never find peace in life.

And when she moved out and went to Houston, I thought I had finally found my inner peace.
But that's the moment where it all went downhill.

Everyone around me always had talked about love. They would talk about their sweet and caring boyfriend who plucked flowers from the roadside for them as a sign of affection.
I used to believe those kind of things, until now.

I look back over my shoulder, my feet slapping the ground and the leaves with each frantic step. My toes are numb from the hard ground and the forest floor feels rough against my skin, but I can't stop to care.

I run through the dark forest, stumbling over tree roots in the dim light, my breaths coming in short, frantic gasps. I turn a corner and stop, feeling my heart pounding in my chest, and I hear something moving behind me. I turn, my breath catching in my throat, and I could recognize Jay behind me. 

The people around me never talked about this kind of romance.

I'm running as fast as can, but the forest floor is covered with roots and can't see well in the dim light. It's so easy to get tripped up by the obstacles in my way. Suddenly, I trip and stumble over a tree root. I immediately get up again, but I lost my balance and fall back on my knees again.
I turn around to see Jay who was walking towards me slowly, as if he wasn't in a rush.

I tried to get up again desperately, but my legs wouldn't listen to what my mind wanted them to do. I was exhausted, and my body felt like it was on a mission to fail me at every turn.
I reached out, scrabbling at the rocks around me, and I threw them at him.
But he dodged every single one as if he had studied this maneuver.
It was useless. There was nothing I could do to stop him and I felt absolutely powerless.

I swallowed hard as he grabbed my hair, his grip tightening around the strands. I tried to squirm my head away but he only pulled harder, forcing me to look up at him. His voice was muffled, as if speaking through gritted teeth.

"Done running, love?," Jay said. "I told you that you have to live with the consequences."
His words stung worse than anything at that moment, and I felt completely defenseless and vulnerable in his grasp.

"Life is cruel. Be crueler."



I tackle her frame to the ground, turning her around so that she lies on her stomach, using my body weight to hold her flailing body to the earth beneath her. Dirt kicks up as she claws at the sticks and dead grass near her, attempting to escape. But there was no way out for her anymore.

I push my hips into the curve of her sweet, round ass, gripping the hair at her nape to hold her head up. She pants in horror, but I know by the look in her dilated pupils that this is arousing her far more than she's willing to accept.

"I've been dreaming of the day I'd get to fuck that pretty face into the dirt", I whisper, pulling her head back further. A low, choking moan leaves her throat as she whimpers. She may wants to give off the image that she can't stand people like me, but I know how wet I really make her. And right now, she is dripping wet.

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