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There will be always a diffrence between me and my parents. No matter how long I've tried to gain their proudness of me, nothing seemed to change. And I don't like to see them treating Reina and Zane, my little siblings, like this too.

Reina couldn't sleep probably for days, and I don't know what's the reason for it. As much as I wanted to show her how much I cared, I'm not the best at showing my emotions to others. It's a family thing, I've never heard my dad laughing.

I knock on her door, waiting until I heard a small fragile "Come in" from her as I opened it. Zane was sitting on her bed, trying to comfort her as I sat on the chair next to them. Her bedroom was filled with her toys and her dolls Romeo, my older brother, bought for her.

It was like a tradition. Every year on Zane and Reina's birthday, Romeo let one thousand balloons fly into the sky to let them know that he remembered. That he's still alive and thinks about us.

But he never came home.

Our parents said that it was his own fault and choice to leave the family. And I'm dissapointed that he left us alone with our parents.

"Look at me, Reina", I clear my throat to gain her attention. She lifts her tiny chin up to look at me. Her face looked tired and she was frowning at me like always. My grumpy little sister.

Zane stood up. His dark hair was all over his forehead, as he crossed his arms infront of his chest. "It's hopeless, Cole. She's feeling down since months. But the only day I saw her happy was a week ago..", my little brother pauses to think.

My tongue clicked as I heard my nickname again. I despise it. Romeo used to call me 'Cole' when I was younger, because he thought that it sounded better than 'Nicolas'. It doesn't. And now Zane found out about it.

"Don't call me like that. And what do you mean?", I leaned against the chair behind me. Zane snickered before he shrugged his shoulders, leaving me with no explanation. "I don't know. It was just.. nevermind. Mr Cortez is sick, he can't go out with Zeke today, would you mind if you'd take him out?", Zane looked up at me with pleasing eyes.

I don't really mind to go out with Zeke, our doberman, so I nod. As I stood up, I caressed Reina's cheeks for the last time and hugged Zane. "Prenditi cura di tua sorella", I whispered into his ear and let go off him.
(Take care of her)


I don't need a leash for Zeke, he got trained more than well. I wandered around the streets with my hands in the pockets and him following me. The only light around us was the moon shining above and the dimmed streetlights. I had no plan where I would take Zeke but I just followed my feelings.

I could feel eyes on me as I walked by, but I didn't give a fuck. The eyes were always on me.

Zeke followed me as I entered a new neighbourhood. And the big mansion with the gold colored gates was the first thing that I noticed.

Of course my feelings would bring me infront of her house.

Fuck, was this even normal?

I ran my hand through my messy hair before pressing on the bell. There was a loud sound, before the huge gates opened itsself and I went inside, waiting for the front door to open. I don't even know why I am here.

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