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I try to not look very nervous as I sit on the couch. We arrived an hour ago at Alexine's cousin's house and it actually looks really cozy, besides the fact that it's in the middle of the woods.

As we entered it, all Alexine could say was that she's sorry that it wasn't big. I just laughed at her and said that it wasn't a problem for us, as long as we were safe. Kalila didn't really said much but she looked like she agreed with me.

Now I'm sitting in the living room and try to concentrate myself on the fly, that was flying around. There was no signal here, so I couldn't do anything besides watching it.

The house has a tiny but comfortable-looking livingroom and two small bedrooms that are decorated with plenty of plants and stuffed animals.

Alexine and Kalila were sitting in one of those bedrooms. We didn't talked much after this, but I think it's not that uncomfortable like it always was. I begin to like the feeling of having people around. At least they don't pretend to like me, like my other 'friends', but that doesn't mean that they're unfriendly.

Somehow, I lost the fly and sigh. I stand up and look out of the windows. Alexine had parked her car behind the house and it dissappered as I close the curtains.

As I bend down to pull out a magazine under the small wooden table, I could hear a weak door knocking. My brain immediately turned on an alarm and I could feel my body stiffen. Who the fuck knocks in the middle of the night at a house in the middle of the woods?

I run to the kitchen, to get my jacket, to find my pocketknife that I had always taken with me. As a women who loves clubs, I know how important it is to always have something with me, that could protect me. I look around if any of the girls heard it, but nothing. As I could hear someone knocking again, I take a deep breath, open the door and jump on the tall person infront of me.

Making him fall on his back, with me on top of him, while letting him feel the cold metal on his neck. I could hear him harshly breathing out and when I finally look at him, I open my eyes widely. "Kaan?", I unexpectedly say.

He closes his eyes for a bit, before saying something that sounds like 'yeah'. And holy shit, he looks not good. His hair is messed up, a trail of dry blood is on one of his cheeks to see, his neck is blue-green as if someone had strangled him. I looked down at him, recognizing his chest going fastly up and down. One of his hands is badly injured and his clothes look anything but like a billionaires son.

I get up right away and help him to stand on his feet. I can't read the expression on his face. It's hard like a rock, as if he had always trained it for a moment like this. "What happend to you?", I gasp. He shrugs his shoulders like it was nothing and I take a step to the side, to let him in.

Kaan looks around, analizing the room as if he didn't trust me to be here, his hands in his pockets. I silently close the door and turn myself around to him.

No seconds later, the bedroom door opens and Kalila steps out, trying to hide her yawn behind her hand. "Lilith, I heard a noise. What happend?", she asked but stops when she sees Kaan standing in the middle of the room. Her eyes are wide open as she looks him from head to toe and I could recognize fear and worry in her eyes for a moment.

She looks like she wanted to say something, but closes her mouth a second after. Kaan noticed our worrying questions and finally speaks. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine, but I think Jay isn't."


Jay really wasn't. He was still unconcious when Kaan carried him in. After Alexine cleaned his wounds and bandaged them, she looks up. Jay was lying on his back on the small couch. We had to wake up Alexine to do it, because Kalila didn't felt well enough. She locked herself in the bathroom and I could hear her sometimes throwing up.

I put a blanket on Jay and then looked at Kaan, who was still sitting on some chairs in the kitchen, staring at the walls. He told us to take our time to help Jay first and that if we were getting tired, that we shouldn't worry about him and just go to bed.

Alexine clears her voice and went up to Kaan. She said something quietly to him, and he nodded. I silently walked towards to them.
"Can I take a look at the wounds?", Alexine says in this moment. He nods again and she softly caresses his hair away from his face, revealing a bruise on his forehead. She slowly goes with her hands to his cheeks, taking a wet tissue to wipe the blood away. Kaan closes his eyes.

In that moment I have to think about Nicolas. What happend to him? Is he also this badly injured? Or did he even made it? There were too many questions but no answers and I didn't wanted to ask Kaan now. Not when he looks this tired.

Alexine cleaned his hands carefully and sometimes he had to press his lips together and clench his eyes shut but it didn't looked like it hurted very badly. Or he's just an good actor.

When she slowly pulled up his shirt, i could hear her gasping in shock. I immediately went to them to see what happend but stopped when I saw it.

It was a deep wound, like if something was stuck in there but he pulled it out. Fuck, I can't imagine how much blood he lost but he's still concious. Is this even possible?

I could see Alexine swallowing hard, before she carefully tries to wipe the blood away and clean it. She swallowed again as she whispers:"We can't let it open. You should go to the hospital immediately to sew it up." He looks down at her, before asking "Do you know how to do it?"

I confusingly look at Kaan and then Alexine. I think they even forgot that I'm here with them. Alexine makes a grimace. "I watched my cousin who is a doctor sometimes doing it, but I never did it myself..", she tried to explain. Kaan closes his eyes before saying:"Then do it."

I can't believe a word he just said. He rather wants her to sew is wound up then going to a professional and real doctor. Alexine's hands nervously begin to shake and when he noticed, Kaan takes one of her hands in his and tiredly says:"I trust whatever you do, Lexi. Don't worry, I won't die if you fail."

I don't know if he's just joking of if he really thinks he has 7 lifes. But whatever it was, she really took out her cousins doctor bag under the bed and opened it. I stand up and went to the couch where Jay was still lying so I wouldn't have to watch them.


Ps: If you wonder why Lilith didn't do anything, she doesn't know about this stuff and also, Alexine's dream is it to become a doctor and Kalila gets forced to become one

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