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I could hear him swearing under his breath and then closing the door, after talking to someone. Wait, Jay's there too? Today's my lucky day. Both of them should come to my place right now.

I look at the ground where multiple body's are lying unconcious. A head slightly moves and I kick him in the face. "Stay on the ground, Sandro. I'm gonna cut your fucking hands off and shove it into your ass, if you'll move again."

"Nico, where the fuck are you right now?". Kaan sounds pissed.

I look around. "Some nice alley with Alessandro. We're just chilling and lying on the ground. Nothing serious happend", I try to explain.

"Alessandro? Why are you with him? We told you to stay away from him."

Yeah, I know. Kaan and Jay warned me about him multiple times. Telling me that we're in big trouble if we touch him again. 2 years ago, on Jay's birthday, we broke his nose and threw him off a bridge.

Sounds brutal, yea? But this motherfucker deserves it. It's a miracle that he's still alive.

3 years ago, he took someone really close away from us. Exactly on Jay's birthday, he killed her, and we took revenge.

Kaan clenches his jaw. "Nevermind. Next time just call me so I can Join."

I chuckle. "He deserves it after what he did to Artemis." Kaan pauses. Shit, I didn't mean it.

"Kaan? God, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned her."

I can hear his breath before speaking:"I already moved on, Nicolas."

I press my lips together. I should just shut the fuck up. I shouldn't have mentioned his sister's name. Not now.

"I know, what were you doing? Is Jay with you? Tell him that I need his lips around my dick."

Kaan chuckles for a second. "Him? With me? Did you forgot about Kalila?"

I didn't. "Not again", I groan loudly.

"Are you alone at home?", I change the subject.

I can hear him clearing his throat. "Actually-"

But a female voice interrupts him.

"Kaan? Can you show me where your bathroom is?"


I widen my eyes in shock. "What the fuck is Alexine doing at your place?"

Damn, both of my friends are spending time with their girls while I'm standing in the middle of an dark alley with one of my favourite persons.

"Sorry, have to hang up. Let's talk later Nico."

He hanged up.

Are they joking? How did someone like Kaan..? And so fast. And I don't even want to mention Jay. He's flying in heaven since weeks.


I put on my helmet before speeding off on my motorcycle. It was already getting dark but had to finish my lovely talk with Sandro.

He's a good listener when he lies on the ground, we should do this more often.

As I park my bike near a famous restaurant, I saw a familiar figure. Don't tell me this is Jay.

It fucking is. He's sitting at a table, wearing a goddamn smoking. And he has this hideous grin on his face that screams trouble.

Not answering my calls because of this?

I enter the famous restaurant and right in the beginning, every pair of eyes were on me. Not because of how well I was dressed, because of how casual I was dressed. I would never ride my bike without protection.

Jay turns to my direction and suddenly his smile fades as I sat down on the empty chair infront of him.

"What are you doing here?", he calmly asks in a low tone. I look around before taking a glance of him.

I laugh. "A smoking? How romantic, since when are you wearing this? It looks hideous on you."

Jay furrows his eyes. "Since Kalila said it suited me."

I had to hold my laughter. "Are you serious right now? You have a date with her?"
That can't be. How could Jay already asked Kalila out? And she just agreed?

"Kinda, after she 'accidentally' destroyed 2 of my bikes. They're not useable anymore", he chuckled, while I looked at him in shock. Why does he sound so calm? He loves his bikes more than everyone.

"But I had to massage your back for 6 weeks just because of a little scratch?"

Jay coughs before saying:"You deserved it."
I raise my eyebrows before shaking my head at him. "But going on a date with you is much worse, I feel bad for Kalila."

He glares at me, but before he could say more, someone tapped him on his shoulder.

And fuck the rules for once, she looked pretty.

Jay turned around to see Kalila in a navy blue corset dress, wearing black heels to match with her purse.

And as always, she had her feisty look on her face. Impossible that someone like Jay was about to go with her on a date.

I slowly lean to Jay's side and whisper:"You're a lucky man. Treat her right or I'll punch your teeth out."

Kalila just confusingly looks at me, not understanding a single word what I've just said. I'm not inerested in her, I've got my eyes on another woman, but she reminds me of my little sister.

I trust my best friend with her, Jay would never break her heart, but probably break his for her.

A few days ago, Romeo, my older brother found out about them. He knows that Jay dated many girls for fun in the past so he said that it'll not last longer than a month for them.

But for a reason, I get this unexplained feeling. Something that tells me that it'll change to the better. I really hope that it will.

His light brown eyes darkened and his jaw thightend for a second.

"Break all of my fucking bones if I don't."

I am so sorry for this mega long hiatus.



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