Chapter 18: Yichen's Mother

Comenzar desde el principio

There was also what looked like a space for a chicken pen not far from the outhouse and what remained of a collapsed shed. Mochou had used the place to build his own little rabbit and quail cage out of reeds.

"I'll need to gather some bamboo and make a better cage. The reeds worked this time because of the onion juice but it's not guaranteed to always work. It would be terrible if the rabbits managed to chew their way out and escape." Mochou thought as he wandered the yard at night.

After working for a bit Mochou felt like he had been able to digest his dinner enough to sleep. He snuck under the thin worn blanket and closed his eyes. Not long after he found himself in a dreamless sleep that lasted until sunrise the next day.


Yichen woke up before dawn and anxiously paced around his room. He desperately wanted to head over to Mochou's home. He even considered sneaking away in the middle of the night to warn Mochou about his mother and father's visit.

"He'll be terrified when they show up at his door. It's good he met my dad before so he should recognize him, but what will he think when he sees mom? Will he collapse again?" Yichen was clearly flustered and anxious as he continuously paced around the room.

"I should go. But mom might change her mind about the marriage if she finds out I disobeyed her. I can't risk it. Buuuut... Mochou might not forgive me for not only breaking my promise but not being there when my parents show up for an unannounced visit."

Yichen couldn't settle down. His thought were at an impasse. He either risked his parents blessing or risk angering Mochou.

Knock... knock*


"Sh*t! I've been caught." Yichen thought as he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Yichen, I'm coming in." His father announced. He then opened the door before Yichen could even think of stopping him. His father entered and all Yichen  pulls down was stand frozen in place. His father looked him up and down noting the fact Yichen was fully dressed.

"I know you are worried, but you need to have faith in your mother and I. We aren't going there to hurt him." His father said.

"I understand but I made a promise." Yichen said.

"I'll make sure to explain to Mochou that you wanted to come but we insisted you stay home today."

"What if he collapses again? His health is terrible. You saw it yourself yesterday." Yichen said.

"If that happens we will take care of him. Don't worry. Stay here and help your sister-in-laws take care of the yard and chickens. Meng Yao is getting further along in her pregnancy and should rest. Show your mother how responsible you can be while we are gone." His father instructed.

Pouting, Yichen couldn't help but mutter under his breath unhappily. "I'd rather show I can be responsible by taking care of Mochou."

Either his father didn't hear him or chose to ignore it. Whatever the case Yi Peng decided it was time to leave.

"We're leaving now." He said.

"Dad, I really want to marry him." Yichen said as his father stepped back into the hall.

"I'm aware. But you need to be patient." He said before walking away.

Exhausted and overwrought with worry Yichen nearly fell into bed. He desperately wanted to go see Mochou but decided to listen to his father.


"His home is a dilapidated hut and look at this wall. How is it supposed to protect anyone from the beasts that roam the forest just a few steps away?" Yichen's mother Xin Mi exclaimed as they walked towards Mochou's hut.

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