He nods, replying to me with telepathy.

"Got it."

Then again a real answer out loud while stretching his arms in his seat.

"Maybe you're right. One of the guards did show me how the pods work when I first arrived, but I never tried them out. A good rest could do me well..."

He lets out a sigh and gets up to leave the room.

"I'll take a 6-hour break in the pods, so nearly a day and a half inside. If there are no updates by then, I'll join Fisher and Lydia for time off. But, if you make any progress, I want to be the first one on the scene."

As the elevator door opens for him, he replies with telepathy through our open link.

"I want you to teach me about this Demonic Energy. I need to get further into the Abyss."

Before I have a moment to even ask him why he wants to go into the Abyss so badly, the dense mana shielded doors of the elevator shut and our link is severed.

I turn back to Lith, as we're the only two people left in the Penthouse office room as finally get to the questions that have been eating away at me.

"So, now that we're partners, I have a few questions I'd like to ask."

I stand up from my seat and he does the same.

We walk over to the holographic depiction of city lights and towers below us.

He replies.

"I could tell you had a few things on your mind. After I watched that fight you had in the 8th stage of the Arena, I knew things were starting to get serious."

I nod once and reply.

"Yes, I did talk with the corrupted Royal Guards, and they even told me the Dark One is watching."

Lith's eyes widen, but I continue quickly to calm his nerves.

"They said it just views me as entertainment and not a threat, but that's enough of a hint for me to know it's time for me to leave this city until I'm strong enough."

"Good decision... So, if that's the case, then what are your real questions?"

I pause, looking over at him and seeing the [??? Access Denied] symbol on his status over his skills and items waver and flicker again.

I up my mana control just another 10% out of curiosity, and the symbol finally breaks completely, revealing a small portion of his status for just a fraction of a second.

Under the [Active Skills] section, [??? Access Denied] changes to [Combat Magic][Extreme Wind Summoning] then immediately turns back to [??? Access Denied] once I let up on my high perception skill use.

I get a peek at some of his gear like rings and amulets too, but they seem to be pretty standard 130-200% buff items for a Hunter of his caliber. Lith is over level 800 and the leader of the Strongest Trade and Mercenary guild in Sector 1.

Then, raise the question.

"Where did you get this status blocking gear? I didn't find it too weird that you, the Royal Guards, and even the old Sector 2 leader had it on. But I recently spotted an Association Director with the same symbol. I assume your gear was made by the Sector 2 leader just like the special armor for the royal guards, but I'm more curious about a single item that I saw on a Director's hand. It was a gold ring."

Lith's head turns to me quickly, and he immediately replies.

"The gold ring? You didn't encounter Mr. Freeman, did you?"

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz