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First models of Fefnir technology were conceived between the end of the 24th century and the beginning of the 25th century. Thanks to it, humans could fastly save the planet they originally lived in, that had now became a symbol of humanity evolution: the Earth. Back then, the planet was corroded by pollution, climatic changes, ressources issues, energy lacks and such. All those problems were swiftly resolved once Fefnir technology reached a certain point of its developpement.

At the beginning of the 26th century, all those problems had finally been resolved and, in the middle of the same century, the first models of Fefnir tech-powered spaceships had been made. Among those, the first ship to successfully leave Earth's solar system without deteriorating or showing any issue went out of the solar system in year 2581.

Only two major issues remained: first was the overpopulation of Earth, and the fear that one day, their sun would extinguish, leaving them all dead. But now, they finally had a solution: at the start of the 27th century, many human spaceships had left Earth already, all containing parts of the Fefnir technology needed to colonize a planet.

Eventually, in year 2663, nearly a century later, the first planet outside of the solar system, Silvern, had been successfully colozined, and modified with Fefnir techonology to be fully able to welcome and host humanity. In the meantime, all of the planets in the Earth's solar system had been modified and colonized too.

After that followed a wave of mass expansion through the entire Milky Way galaxy, strategically aiming for solar systems that somewhat had the same distance to each other.

The processus was long, filled with wars, accidents, and major events. But, eventually, by using this 'expansion' method, with each solar system that had been conquered starting to develop spaceships and spatial ships too to conquer even more planets, the expansion was finally over : in year 2988, at the end of the 30th century, the galaxy was finally in the hands of humans.

Less than fifteen years later, the organization from which originated the Fefnir technology finally proclaimed its presidence over it, precisely by year 3000. Tyler felt no surprise reading it's name: the Paradise Council.

'Tssk, of course it had to be those bitches' he thought, remembering some bad memories.

He still forced himself to get past it, and kept reading, appreciating the stylized text and the illustrations.

"Heh, at least they added images" he laughed as he continued reading.

Apparently, the Paradise Council's declaration had not been accepted wholeheartedly by everyone: this led to even more wars. For the next century, revolutions against the Council were as common as rain, and some planets even got destroyed, to the point they were impossible to restore even with Fefnir technology.

But as the dominance of the Paradise Council over the galaxy seemed to be inevitable, by year 3080, a coalition formed by around a quarter of the galaxy's colozined planets was formed to stop the Council's dictature: the Stellar Grand Order. By allying with the Stellar Grand Order, the individual solar systems managed to force a stallmate with the Paradise Council until, by year 3107, a treaty of peace was signed: the pact of Genova.

Basically, this treaty divided the galaxy into twenty-six different Stellar Fields, taking inspiration from the Paradise Council's sector system, that was already starting to shape at that time.

Tyler repressed a snort at the mention of the sectors, seeing what this system had become today, litteraly using humans in the lowest sectors as slaves and human material to create more Fefnir tech. Then, remembering he was alone, he actually snorted depreciatingly:

"Tssk, Paradise dickheads" he sweared.

He kept reading. Apparently, after the delimitation of the Stellar Fields, the Paradise Council had ten of them under it, while the Stellar Grand Order had six, and the rest became independant.

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