Chapter 8: First Meeting

Start from the beginning

They were ashamed of what their child was. The unconditional love a parent should have for their child was actually full of conditions. For Mochou it was being gay. For the boy it was being born a GER. |


When Mochou awoke again he found himself still on the ground in the yard.

"Why didn't I go back inside like I did last time?" He wondered. But with no way to learn the answer he patted the dirt off himself and headed into the forest.

As he walked he thought about the dream. Like magic he now had a better understanding of the world. Almost like memories that were buried had resurfaced he now understood what a GER was.

"To think this world has three genders. It feels so much like ancient China that I thought I was transferred into a body from the past on Earth but this is a completely different world. So far everything seems the same, but there is one big difference the genders." Mochou mused as he walked through the forest in search of a good place to set his traps.

"I'm glad I was born as a GER. If I was a female I don't think I would feel comfortable with their anatomy, and if I was a man it would be no different from before. Although, being able to get pregnant is disconcerting."

Thinking of the possibility he could get pregnant a chill ran down his spine. He didn't know how these GERs gave birth but he had inspected his new body and he didn't remember finding any extra exits anywhere.

"Then their is the problem with how GERs are treated in this world. From what I now know, a GER is treated a lot like women with limited rights. They are slightly stronger than women so they can help with farming, but also less likely to get pregnant so not as popular with men."

Mochou stopped for a second and set a rabbit trap close to some bushes. He placed several oleaster berries. The sweet smell would be perfect for enticing birds or rabbits to wander into his trap.

"Given the situation and the fact my body is full of scars I doubt I will get married anyway. But if I don't find a husband I'll have a hard time making money and surviving in this world. This is a huge problem."

Mochou was at a loss on what to do. If things were the way he assumed, even if he caught several rabbits and birds it might be difficult to sell them in town without a man's help. Even if he did, there was a chance he would be paid very little for them compared to if a man sold them.

"How am I supposed to make money? I can't do embroidery or sewing clothes which is common for the women and GERs in this world. I also don't want to just pick any man off the street and beg them to marry me so I can live a better life. If I did there's a chance things will be like they were with Zi Ruo..." Mochou became depressed when he remembered Zi Ruo.

He tried his best not to think about what happened to him. It was too painful. Refusing to think about it Mochou shook his head until he felt dizzy and his mind was no longer reminiscing about the past.

"Enough, I can do this! I've survived in the past I can survive now." He shouted.


Hearing a sound Mochou whipped around. As usual he expected to find nothing. At this point he assumed he was just over anxious or paranoid because of fighting zombies.


"There's someone here?!! It's a man!!" He said in a panic. He was so distraught he actually shouted aloud what he was thinking.

Yichen burst into laughter at the sight of Mochou panicking. Like a little hedgehog. He thought Mochou might curl up and try to hide away.

"Why are you laughing?" Mochou asked a little insulted that the first thing the man would do is laugh.

After Death, I Finally Met The Man Of My Dreams Where stories live. Discover now