Chapter 7: Rustle

Start from the beginning

"Yes! Meat!"

Yichen suddenly heard a GER shout from not far away. He didn't know why but his body immediately reacted and he hid behind some bushes.

Sneaking a peek, he saw a GER who looked disheveled holding up two little quails and cheering.

"What is a GER doing this deep in the forest?" Yichen wondered. Wanting to get a better look at the strange GER Yichen pushed some leaves aside.


The moment he made a noise he regretted his action and hid. The young GER turned around and scanned the area vigilantly as he took a strong stance.

The moment he did Yichen lost the ability to breath. He was captivated by the GER's beautiful eyes. They were large and bright red. He had seen many GER's in the past. But none drew him in like this particular GER's eyes.

"Beautiful." Yichen thought as he stared him. Moments passed until Yichen finally noticed the scars on the GER's face and his heart ached.

"What happened to him?" Yichen wondered. He never knew there was someone who had been severely hurt that lived in the village.

"Was it an animal attack?" He guessed as he watched the young GER lower his guard and pack up his things.

Curious he wanted to walk up to the GER but every time he tried to approach Yichen noticed the GER's ears perk up and his body stiffen. Afraid of scaring the GER and knowing the rules about fraternizing with GERs and women without their family present Yichen kept his distance.

Instead he patiently followed from a distance. Which proved more difficult than he anticipated.

"Why doesn't this guy leave footprints?" He complained as he struggled to find traces of the GERs whereabouts.

When he finally did Yichen was at the edge of the forest. Looking around he recognized the small hut in the distance. Then he saw the GER approach the house like it was his home.

"What is he doing here? Isn't this the old man Bo Lin's house? I thought it was abandoned when the bear appeared. Wait is Bo Lin even still alive?" Yichen wondered.

As he thought about things the GER entered through the creaky gate. Seeing his chance Yichen approached the little hut. He was careful not too get too close. He had noticed the young GER seemed to be staggering.


He heard the muffled groans of pains as the GER collapsed. Worried, Yichen ran over. When he got to the gate he stopped.

"Shit. Hey is anyone inside?!" He shouted. He would have gone in himself but it was improper for a man to enter the home of a woman or GER without their father or husband present.

He watched as the GER lay on the ground his brow furrowed in pain. Yichen wanted to help but there was no sign of anyone nearby. Yichen hated having to stand by and not do anything. He looked around and saw that no one was around.

"If nobody sees me it should be fine." Yichen reasoned. He jumped over the crumbling wall and moved to check on the GER.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Not getting a response Yichen grew worried he hesitated before placing his hand on the GERs forehead to check his temperature.

"He's burning up."

Worried Yichen broke the rules and carried the GER into the hut. If anyone saw what he was doing the GERs chastity would come into question. However Yichen didn't care. He needed to help him.

"This place is a dump. Why is he living alone in this place?" Yichen wondered as he looked at the sorry excuse for a home. Despite not liking the idea of placing the GER onto the dirty cot he had no other option.

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