Chapter 5: Forest

Start from the beginning

At that time he had woven rope together to make one but the cloth would work. The problem with using a sling was the aim. It was difficult to aim well without practice.

"There are seven birds. If I take a shot gun approach I should be able to hit a at least one and hopefully stun it. Once it falters I can rush forward and catch it."

His plan was simple but hopeful. He placed over two dozen rocks in the cloth. The swinging motion would make it easier to add speed and strength to the throw. As long as he got the timing right the rocks would fly towards the birds.

Standing up he began spinning the cloth in the air. At first, it was difficult but once he got it going it was easy. As he spun the cloth sling over his head he walked closer to the birds. Not too close for them to get spooked, just enough to make his chances of success better.


He let go of the sling and the rocks flew towards the birds. Like a shot gun blast the rocks rained down over the area where the little quail birds were poking around for food. To his surprise he hit three birds before the rest scattered and fluttered away.

Not wasting time he rushed forward almost tripping along the way and caught two. Unfortunately, the third regained its senses and managed to get away.

"Yes! Meat!!!" Mochou shouted. His face lit up from successfully catching his prey.


Hearing a sound behind him he quickly turned around his eyes narrowed. He'd become vigilant after years of living in an apocalyptic world.

"Mmmm... There's nothing there...?" He thought after looking around the area.

Despite not seeing or hearing anything more Mochou was still wary of his surroundings. He retied the cloth belt around his waist then grabbed the two unlucky birds and bamboo baskets he left not far away. Satisfied he headed out of the forest.


Leaving the forest he was filled with renewed strength after a successful hunt.

"For lunch I'll stick to vegetables and shred one of the birds up into little pieces for some soup. I need to be patient and eat simple food until my stomach recovers." He mused as he walked back to the little hut he was now calling home.

Even though he felt energized by his win, by the time he reached home he was out of breath and lightheaded.

"I should butcher the little quails and get started on lunch." He thought while trying to ignore his terrible condition.

He entered through the same creaky gate. After taking only three steps passed the gate his head started to pound.


Mochou fell to the ground in pain. He wanted to scream His head felt like it was being torn open. He barely held his tongue. Determined to silently endure the pain as he collapsed.

Light flashed before his eyes and he once again found himself in the dream world.


| "It's this fucked up dream again... No, maybe it's not a dream. Maybe it's this body's memories?" Mochou concluded as he stood by a river.

He was watching some young men standing in the water fishing from afar.

"I wish someday I can have a husband whose willing to fish and help me." The boy's voice said.

Mochou's heart ached at his words. He understood the desire to want someone to share a life with. It was what he always desired.

Despite his sexual preference and his body type, he always wanted someone who would treat him well. He didn't want to always be the protector in the relationship, but to have someone who loved and cherished him. Someone who allowed him to be weak and vulnerable.

After Death, I Finally Met The Man Of My Dreams Where stories live. Discover now