Chapter 06

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The next day, Ji Mingxia was once again woken up by his roommate.

He got up from the bed in a daze and saw that his hair was sticking up in the mirror. Ji Mingxia helplessly pressed his hair with one hand and started brushing his teeth with the other.

In his original world, his body didn’t react too strongly when he entered college from his senior year, mostly because of the long summer vacation.

He had no habit of waking up early and doing homework by rote.

But to be suddenly dropped from the first year of college and dragged back to his senior year, it wasn’t surprising that he’d have a pretty intense reaction.

After a full day of classes the day before, Ji Mingxia felt that his brain power was exhausted with the ghosts, the rain, and so on. Ji Mingxia fell asleep immediately when he returned to the dormitory last night.

Luckily for him, the ghosts didn’t come back last night, so he was able to get a good night’s sleep.

It would have been nice if he didn’t have to get up early for class that day.

Ji Mingxia patted his face with cold water, barely managing to lift his spirits.

"Mingxia, hurry up, you’re going to be late!" Zhao Zhouye urged.

"Coming, coming!" Ji Mingxia responded. He quickly changed and went downstairs.

When he passed by the dormitory manager’s window, he saw the dormitory manager sitting there flipping through the registration form, so Ji Mingxia let Zhao Zhuoye and the others go first, then turned around and asked, "Hello, is auntie there?"

Mr. She Guan looked up at Ji Mingxia, "She’s gone to buy food, what do you want to see her about?"

Ji Mingxia said,"I asked auntie to keep my campus card for me last night and said I would come and get it today."

"I’ll look for it then." Mr. She Guan searched around but saw no sign of the campus card.

When he called, his wife didn’t answer either.

"We’ll just have to wait for her to come back and ask, or you can come back later when you have time. She’ll definitely be there." He said to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia had to agree, "Okay, please do."

It was difficult to get around the school without a campus card. So Ji Mingxia went out of the dormitory with the dormitory manager’s help and temporarily borrowed Zhao Zhuoye’s card to buy food from the canteen.

Fortunately, the roommates only thought that Ji Mingxia had forgotten his card and didn’t think much of it.

Because of the delay over the campus card, Ji Mingxia and the rest arrived at the classroom a little later than usual, almost stepping in with the bell ringing.

The teacher was already standing on the podium when he entered the classroom.

In the past, with a sunken face, he would have reprimanded a student if he had seen them step into class with the morning study bell.

But after seeing Ji Mingxia at the moment, not only did the teacher not have a cold face, but he gently let them into the classroom.

Only after Ji Mingxia and the others were seated did the teacher start handing out the test papers from yesterday’s quiz.

The papers were handed out in order according to the ranking of the results.

As usual, the first place was Yu Ning.

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