Chapter 94

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    It had been almost a month since the scandal between Ji Mingxia, Yu Ning, and Ye Tian, and people had forgotten about it. But with Ye Tian’s incident, the posts related to Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning were once again brought up and discussed.
    Some people speculated that Ye Tian went crazy because Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning were close, while her relationship with him was not progressing. 
    Although most people didn’t take this speculation seriously, a lot of attention was cast on Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning again.
    It wouldn’t have been noticeable if Ji Mingxia was walking alone on campus, but he was now with Yu Ning, and the number of eyes on them was terribly high.
    The environment was not suitable for discussion, so Ji Mingxia didn’t elaborate on it and the two walked towards the dormitory.
    Ji Mingxia originally thought that Ye Chen would be too busy to care about him, but unexpectedly, the managing auntie still gave them four lunch boxes when they returned to the dormitory and said that they were from Ye Chen.
    Ji Mingxia carried the lunch boxes in his hand, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.
    Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan had class activities today and the two wouldn’t return until the evening, so only Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia were in the dormitory.
    As soon as Yu Ning returned to the dormitory, he opened a lunch box for Ji Mingxia and set it out. While the two were eating, Ji Mingxia slowly told Yu Ning about Ye Tian.
    From the first day of school when he met Ye Tian at the elevator, to the incident in the bushes when he was injured and promised to help keep her matters confidential. He also told Ye Tian about that time she came to him and ended up sleeping in the teacher’s office…… as well as the bizarre events that occurred that afternoon.
    After Ji Mingxia finished speaking, he looked at Yu Ning with some expectation.
    Yu Ning also stopped the chopsticks and looked at Ji Mingxia: “So your waist injury was caused by Ye Chen?”
    “Ah?” Ji Mingxia was stunned. He was waiting for Yu Ning to give him an analysis of Ye Tian’s behavior. How did Ye Chen and his waist injury have anything to do with this?
    “That ……umm……” Ji Mingxia was stuck, “he thought I was a stalker, so that’s why…but he quickly apologized and took me to the hospital for a checkup. He even sent all these lunch boxes, and all these body nourishing products in our dormitory are from Ye Tian…”
    Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia anxiousness and said unhappily, “*Someone hit you with a stick and gave you a sweet date.”
    *Someone bringing you harm and then buying you gifts in compensation.
    “No, I’m not that stupid, I really felt that he did not mean it, and I also felt their sincerity, that’s why I did not get angry.” Ji Mingxia hurriedly said, “And I was not seriously injured, didn’t you give me a massage every night…”
    Ji Mingxia said and flattered Yu Ning a little.
    Yu Ning glanced at the lunch box, then looked at Ji Mingxia, and said, “Ye Chen doesn’t know that I give you a massage every night, right?”
    Although Ji Mingxia didn’t understand why Yu Ning was asking this, he knew that at times like this, it was definitely necessary to go along with his words.
    Ji Mingxia shook his head. “Of course he doesn’t know, I rarely chat with him, we are just ordinary friends.”
    “Is that so?” Yu Ning slowly said.
    Ji Mingxia nodded repeatedly, and expressed his loyalty: “Ye Tian’s matter involved her privacy so that’s why I agreed when Ye Chen asked me to keep it a secret. Then I thought about our relationship, how could I keep something hidden from you? So I thought of giving you the general idea without exposing Ye Tian’s case…”
    “Then why wait until today?” Yu Ning said.
    Ji Mingxia was a little embarrassed: “Whenever I’m with you, it is eating or getting a massage, how could I dare make a sound…”
    Thinking about the nightly massage, Ji Mingxia formed a conditioned reflex; as soon as he thought of it, his waist would feel sore and his body would automatically recall the feeling of lying with Yu Ning and being pressed by Yu Ning’s fingers.
    Ji Mingxia blushed as he mumbled: “I didn’t see Ye Tian much after that, and I slowly forgot about it…”
    It wasn’t until today when Ye Tian’s matter became known to everyone that he remembered. Naturally, Ji Mingxia had no need to hide it from Yu Ning any longer. He simply pieced together the previous events as the more clues Yu Ning has, perhaps the sooner they could find the answer.
    Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia’s embarrassment and the expression on his face unconsciously softened.
    Ji Mingxia had a little tan from his summer vacation. After a month of school, eating and hanging out with Yu Ning, his skin tone had been quickly restored. His complexion was rosy, and the whole person was glowing and looking healthy.
    Hearing that he had forgotten about Ye Tian, the corner of Yu Ning’s mouth gently curled up and he did not pursue the matter.
    He had already expected that something would happen, and Ji Mingxia would tell him everything. He just didn’t expect this day to come sooner than he expected.
    His original guess was at least after the National Day.
    Ji Mingxia was still sitting across the table and looking at him expectantly so Yu Ning said: “According to what you have said, one thing can be confirmed at the moment, Ye Tian has stalkers and spies around her at all times.”
    Ji Mingxia’s eyes widened: “Are you sure?”
    Ji Mingxia also tried to analyze the matter of Ye Tian, but had to abort because the clues were too confusing.
    The whole thing was a mess, and he could only come up with three hypotheses: ① Ye Tian was being haunted by a ghost; ② Ye Tian had a stalker; ③ Ye Tian had a mental disorder.
    But no matter which hypothesis, there was no strong evidence to prove it for the time being.
    And Ji Mingxia first ruled out the second hypothesis.
    Because in his opinion, the Ye family was so rich, although supernatural events and mental disorders were not easy to solve, a stalker is a small problem that the Ye family could easily solve.
    Although Ye Tian lived in the school dormitory, he knew that the security level must be very high since she was a star. At this time, it was impossible for a stalker to spy on her all the time.
    “What if the stalker acted with Ye Tian’s permission?” Yu Ning said.Ji Mingxia froze for a moment, having realized that he had unconsciously voiced out his guess.
    After hearing Yu Ning’s answer, Ji Mingxia was even more stunned: “Ye Sweet gave the stalker permission to secretly take pictures of her? How is that possible!”
    “There is insufficient evidence at the moment, and this is just my guess.” Yu Ning did not say much on this issue, and brought Ji Mingxia’s thoughts back, “We can take a step back and go back to this stalker.”
    Ji Mingxia was still puzzled: “Then how do we confirm that this stalker does exist?”
    “Mingxia, you’ve been misled by too much useless information.” Yu Ning said, “Ye Tian’s photos are the evidence. If there was no stalker, how would the photos exist?”
    Ji Mingxia froze for a moment, then realized that his attention was all on Ye Tian’s state and he had completely ignored one of the most important details.
    Ye Tian released the photos to show everyone that she was being followed and secretly photographed.
    She went out of her way to show her private photos, just to confirm the existence of this stalker.
    Ye Tian may have fantasies, but the photos were a real existence.
    No matter what the relationship between Ye Tian and the stalker was, Ye Tian always appeared on camera. Since she didn’t take the photos herself, then there was a second party responsible.
    “The stalker secretly took her photos and put them on some website, and in order to prove the existence of the stalker, Ye Tian took the initiative to show the photos.” Ji Mingxia murmured, “So from this, you deduced that Ye Tian was aware of the stalker’s actions?”
    Ji Mingxia couldn’t help but frown, “No, that doesn’t make sense, it’s inconsistent ah.”
    There was absolutely no need for Ye Tian to release her private photos to the whole class just to confirm the stalker’s existence.
    If she had a cooperation with the stalker and wanted to eradicate the stalker, she could just talk to her brother directly, so why go to such lengths?
    In fact, this was one of the major reasons for the fermentation of public opinion.
    Ye Tian’s behavior was inconsistent and untenable. If she was not crazy, then she was deliberately doing this, she was pretending to be crazy and stupid to gain publicity.
    Ye Tian was from a good family, was pretty, and her daily actions were completely normal.
    Rather than speculate that such a beautiful girl had suddenly gone crazy, it was more logical that she was doing this for publicity.
    The first assumption was a mental disorder and a psychological problem; the latter was an unscrupulous girl that played mind games for popularity.
    This kind of thing was not unprecedented in the entertainment industry, and people were more accepting of the latter.
    This was also why Ji Mingxia’s focus was always on Ye Tian.
    Although Ji Mingxia was a bit quick witted, that was a sixth sense that came out in a life and death situation.
    He was an ordinary person at other times. Compared to his own guesses, Ji Mingxia certainly had more trust in Yu Ning’s intelligence.
    He got rid of the chaotic guesses in his mind, and concentrated on thinking according to Yu Ning’s thoughts.
    Yu Ning’s thoughts actually made sense.
    To untangle the mess, start with the simplest reasoning.
    If Ye Tian wasn’t mentally ill, and there was no supernatural event, then as long as the stalker was caught, they would certainly be able to pull out more clues…
    Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia’s thoughts gradually cleared up and he slowly lifted his head to look at Yu Ning.
    “What’s wrong?” Yu Ning asks.
    Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning suspiciously: “I suspect that you already guessed the causes and effects of the whole thing but I have no evidence.”
    Yu Ning smiled: “I don’t have any evidence either.”
    It was okay before he smiled. With that smile, Ji Mingxia was 100% sure that Yu Ning had guessed the truth.
    Ji Mingxia wanted to ask a follow-up question when his WeChat suddenly rang.
    Wechat was not as important as Ji Mingxia chasing the truth. He wanted to pester Yu Ning into telling him everything he guessed, but when he glanced at the notification page and saw who had sent a message, Ji Mingxia could only press down the eagerness.
    Ye Chen had sent him a message on WeChat.
    Ji Mingxia hurriedly picked up the phone and clicked on it, only to see Ye Chen’s usual question: [Were today’s dishes satisfactory, how is the back injury?]
    Ji Mingxia originally thought that Ye Chen didn’t have time to send him a message, and even if he did, he expected it to be about Ye Tian. Unexpectedly, Ye Chen even had the time to ask him about the dishes and waist injury.
    What kind of virtue he and ability did he possess to have made Ye Chen so concerned about him ah.
    Worthy of being the heir to a powerful family, he is too good at being a good man.
    Ji Mingxia sighed in his heart and replied to him: [Thank you for your concern, the food was delicious and I’m completely fine, are you guys okay?]
    After sending the message, Ji Mingxia waited for a moment, and Ye Chen did not reply to him.
    Yu Ning was still waiting for him and just as he was about to put the phone down and continue the discussion, Ye Chen sent another message.
    This time, Ye Chen did make polite talk with Ji Mingxia, but directly asked for help: [Ye Tian’s situation is a bit complicated. She is sedated and is recuperating but before passing out, she asked me to seek your help.]

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