Chapter 05

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“Uh, did you come down to boil water too?” Ji Mingxia tried to look natural and said, “I have a big bucket of water here so it will take a while……  you might have to wait a little longer if you want to also boil some.”

Ji Mingxia was worried that Yu Ning would really stand there with him, waiting for the water. Then his plan would not be able to proceed for a while.

Ji Mingxia hurriedly added, “Why don’t you go to the dormitory and wait? I’ll call you when it's ready.”

Although Yu Ning didn’t answer, Ji Mingxia had read the novel and based on his understanding of Yu Ning’s personality, the latter didn’t like spending time with people he wasn’t familiar with.

So Ji Mingxia frantically searched for words, trying to give Yu Ning some excuses to leave. “I don’t know what’s going on today. It’s raining so hard but it’s fine in the dormitory. The ground floor is really cold.”

“You came down in short sleeves too, huh? Don’t you think it’s not like summer but more like winter? haha.”

“If I wasn’t waiting for the water to boil, I would have gone back to the dorm already, look at my goosebumps from the cold…”

Yu Ning heard this sentence and suddenly moved, his gaze slowly moving down and landing on Ji Mingxia’s arm.

Ji Mingxia was a southerner. His height of 1.78 metres was relatively ordinary in the north. Although he could be considered as tall in the south, he was placed in the third to last position in the classroom.

When standing with Yu Ning, he looked slightly shorter.

As a boy who had just come of age, he still had the thinness of a teenager, and Ji Mingxia’s looks followed those of his mother, so he looked more refined and gentle. Although his skin was not as pale as Yu Ning’s, it was whiter and more delicate than an average boy’s, so the change on the surface of his skin was immediately apparent.

Ji Mingxia had originally made this up as he went along, but his hair really stood up and his hand went rigid when Yu Ning took a look at him like this.

He quickly retracted his hand unnaturally, just about to say something else to lighten the mood when footsteps suddenly came from not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a human figure rushed down.

“Mingxia, Brother Mingxia!” The visitor was Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning’s classmate, Zhu Ming.

Zhu Ming saw Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning standing together and had a moment of hesitation. However, he eventually ran to Ji Mingxia’s side.

He directly ignored Yu Ning’s presence and said to Ji Mingxia, “Brother Mingxia, I heard from Chen Zhen and the others that you’ve already taken a bath, can I borrow this bucket of hot water for tonight?”

“Huh?” Ji Mingxia looked at him blankly. He didn’t expect that the bucket of hot water would be robbed off halfway through the boiling.

“I came back late today so there is no hot water to take a shower. I want to take an early shower and go to bed. It’s so cold and I feel my nose getting stuffy. It’s almost time for the college entrance exams, so I’m afraid of catching a cold.” Zhu Ming pleaded, “Lend me this bucket, I’ll try to come back early tomorrow night to help you boil a bucket too, okay?”

“Uh, this ……”

“Zhao Zhou said you are boiling this bucket as a backup, do you want to bathe again?” Zhu Ming saw Ji Mingxia’s hesitation and asked.

“That’s not it.” Ji Mingxia said.

He wanted to secretly boil water for Yu Ning to use, like an anonymous living *Lei Feng.

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