Chapter 112

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For Yu Ning's safety and security, Ji Mingxia had to keep the incident with Ding Jianlin a secret, but at the same time, Ji Mingxia was a little worried about Ye Chen and Ye Tian.

Ding Jialin took them as reserve food, and now that he failed to get Yu Ning and was seriously injured, there was a possibility that he would attack Ye Chen and Ye Tian.

Since Ye Tian was discharged from the hospital and returned to the entertainment industry, Ji Mingxia used the opportunity to actively seek her out for a chat over the next few days to make sure that the two had not seen Ding Jialin since that day.

Regarding Ding Jialin's disappearance, Ye Chen and Ye Tian were obviously used to it and did not care and Ji Mingxia finally relaxed once he confirmed that the two were safe.

The downside was that Ye Tian would often ask Ji Mingxia whether he had opened the gift box or not, and how the experience was......

Ji Mingxia was so frightened that all he could do was to play dead and never dare to talk to Ye Tian again.

The day before New Year's Day, Ji Mingxia's dormitory participated in the public welfare activities of the Student Union.

Ji Mingxia's prediction was correct, the student council arranged for them to take care of stray animals as their public welfare activity. However, unlike the one he went to in his original world, they were going to another stray animal shelter located in a remote suburb.

"The location of this animal shelter happens to be a diagonal from our school, going there by car is almost a seven hour round trip, the day would already be over." Lin Cheng said, "The student union said they will reimburse us for the bus fare, and accommodation fees so that we can just stay there for the night. Those who want to go back to school, and those who want to go home for New Year's Day shall find their own means the next day."

Lin Cheng said, then glanced at Ji Mingxia with some smugness: "This treatment is not bad, right? I fought for a long time and barely managed to get it."

Ji Mingxia nodded and casually asked, "Are we going to sleep at the shelter?"

"How can you? You can stay there if you want, but they don't have so many beds." Lin Cheng checked the form, "there are small hotels near the shelter and I booked large bedrooms. Since we are all men, two people will take a room each and make do for the night."

"Big…big bedrooms?" Ji Mingxia froze for a moment, "you mean two people sleeping in one bed?"

"Yeah." Lin Cheng said, giving Ji Mingxia a somewhat strange look. "You and Yu Ning are a couple, it's okay to sleep together, right?"

"I, I this ...... how did you ......" Ji Mingxia was caught off guard and almost choked. He stared at Lin Cheng with wide eyes and some shock. "How did you know that Yu Ning and I are a couple?!"

He just found out about the pretend relationship with Yu Ning, it hadn't even been announced to the public yet, how did Lin Cheng know about it?

Lin Cheng did not expect Ji Mingxia's reaction to be so strong, and answered with confusion, "I always knew about it."

He wasn't the only one who knew about the relationship between Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, the whole school acquiesced to it. But because homosexuality was a rare thing after all, everyone discussed it in private, not in front of Ji Mingxia.

Judging by Ji Mingxia's reaction...did he and Yu Ning break up?

Meanwhile, Ji Mingxia was almost shocked to death.

Always knew?

"Then ...... does Luo Zixuan know?" Ji Mingxia couldn't help but ask.

"He knows, ah." Ji Mingxia's expression was making Ling Cheng suddenly have some apprehension.

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