Chapter 74

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Grandma Ji went back to her room and lay down to rest. It was late in the night, there was no ear-splitting doorbell, and the whole house had regained its silence.

That feeling of being spied on disappeared, and it was only at that moment that Ji Mingxia realized that the ghost had left.

He stood in the living room for a while, turned off the lights downstairs and then went upstairs.

He snuck into Grandma Ji’s room and took a peek and found that she had already fallen asleep.

She was so tired that she fell into a deep sleep within moments.

Ji Mingxia relaxed and went back to his room after confirming that she was safe.

He was now completely sleepless.

The image of Grandma Ji aging within a few minutes kept replaying in his head. He was so angry and anxious, but he didn’t know where the source of all these abnormalities came from.

He was at a loss and would have turned to Yu Ning to help him analyze all this.

However, Yu Ning was now in the capital and his phone couldn’t be reached……

Banana Leaf Village had been haunted for so long but no one has found a way to solve it. All the villagers had become ostriches, choosing to cover their heads in order to survive.

Although he had a golden finger through his knowledge of the plot, Banana Leaf Village wasn’t mentioned at all.

He was unable to foresee the plot, and he had just returned to Banana Leaf village.

In addition, his intelligence was average, so how could he find the solution in a short period of time?

Ji Mingxia never dared to overestimate his abilities, he always felt that his greatest virtue was his self-awareness.

But Grandma Ji had become like this. He couldn’t just stand by and watch her age.

A person in her seventies looked like she was in her nineties, and although Grandma Ji was still alive at the moment, the ghost would only have to come a few more times, and Grandma Ji……

Just the thought made Ji Mingxia’s heart a mess. Just when his mind was about to go round in circles, the cold touch of the ring cleared his brain for a moment.

His hand unconsciously touched the blood-red ring, and its cool feeling made Ji Mingxia inexplicably think of Yu Ning’s fingers.

Ji Mingxia forced himself to calm down.

He and Yu Ning have met more than one ghost during this time, and Yu Ning would always tell him about his analysis. So although he was not Yu Ning, he could learn from Yu Ning and imitate his thought process.

Ji Mingxia immediately went to the desk, found a pen and paper and first listed out the abnormalities he had observed after entering the Banana Leaf Village.

First of all, there was nothing more shocking than tonight’s incident.

The ghost knocked on the gate, and when the main power was turned off, the shadow outside the gate disappeared.

He thought that the ghost had gone, but soon, there was an anomaly in his home.

A ghost appeared on Grandma Ji’s body and was chewing on something. Immediately the ghost disappeared, Grandma Ji became tired and aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the ghost had eaten away months of her life expectancy.

Seeing the change in Grandma Ji with his own eyes gave him a possible answer to the question as to why she was different from the Grandma Ji of his world.

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