Chapter 36

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Since they had to play hide-and-seek with a ghost, the group could no longer stay together.

Song Yuelin's group that started with a total of seven people, was now left with five.

After summing up the experience and rules, everyone finally chose to go their own way for the sake of life. Each person hid alone within a limited range, who will be found and who will survive to the end all depended on their own skills.

The area near the commercial vehicle was the first place where the ghost appeared, and with two people already dead, they decided to stay away from it.

Song Yuelin went in the opposite direction but after making sure everyone was far away, he returned to this area. After hiding every evening, he would return and sleep in the commercial vehicle at night.

Everyone thought that this was the ghosts’ lair and was the least safe, but the most dangerous place was actually the safest.

According to Song Yuelin, the ghost doesn’t search the vicinity of the commercial vehicle carefully.

Today was already the fifth day of their game of hide-and-seek.

By the time Song Yuelin finished speaking, they had returned to the vicinity of the commercial vehicle again.

Ji Mingxia looked at his mobile phone. It was already 4pm, only an hour before dusk.

Song Yuelin had been hiding in the forest for many days and had already gained full experience. After preparing all the equipment he should use, he started the commercial vehicle. He connected a plug from the car, plugged in a small electric stove, took out a mini milk pot and poured water in it.

He waited for the water to boil before taking out a piece of red and yellow meat, cut it into thin slices and threw them in. When the meat was cooked for about seven minutes, Song Yuelin skillfully sprinkled in various seasonings.

The milk pot was small and the electric stove had good power, so in just five minutes or so, Song Yuelin had finished cooking a delicious meal.

A strange and rich meat aroma slowly wafted out from the milk pot.

Song Yuelin cooked very quickly and Ji Mingxia was some distance away from him so there was no way to see the whole thing. But from what he saw, Song Yuelin put in pepper, salt, grated carrots and some seasonings during the cooking process.

The peppers removed the fishy smell, the carrots were sweet and the salt added flavour.

The fragrant and warm aroma of the stewed food was simply too good not to notice in this cold forest.

When the meat was cooked, Song Yuelin turned off the electric stove and set aside his knife and fork as if he were eating Western food. He then took out a black pepper seasoning bottle and ground it on the spot, seasoning the meat with black pepper.

He finished all this and looked up to see Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning looking at him. Song Yuelin smiled and said: "I am a food blogger and cooking is my best skill. However, conditions are limited right now so I can only make do with what I have."

Ji Mingxia cheered, "As expected of a professional, I didn't expect you to have jerky, it looks quite unique."

"It's horse meat, I originally wanted to make it for everyone when we had a barbecue at the Quanzhuang."

Song Yuelin saw Ji Mingxia looking at the meat in the pot and he cut off a small piece of meat, saying to Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, "Do you want to come and try it?"

Ji Mingxia froze for a moment; for a moment, he did want to eat hot meat.

But he wasn't stupid. How could he accept Song Yuelin's food under such circumstances.

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