Chapter 71

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Grandma Ji’s house was an inheritance left by her mother, and from Grandma Ji, to Ji Mingxia’s father, to Ji Mingxia, they all spent their childhood in this house until they grew up.

In Ji Mingxia’s memory, this house covered a large area, and although it was a small farmhouse, it had been well maintained. Grandma Ji was a very clean person and she would clean the house once a day.

The outside of the house looked like an ancient building, but the inside of the house had been renovated and decorated. Whether it was the kitchen or the bathroom, all were modern and all kinds of furniture and appliances were readily available. It was an old country house that was very comfortable to live in.

But when he walked in at this moment, the whole house inexplicably gave Ji Mingxia a feeling of decay and dilapidation.

The house was still the same and the furnishings inside the house are the same as Ji Mingxia remembered. The floor was made of marble pattern tiles and a little bit of garbage could be seen at a glance.

The ground was clean at the moment, so it seemed that Grandma Ji had cleaned today. In addition to the dining table and stove top, other locations where dirt could easily be hidden were also very neat but Ji Mingxia just felt that as if the house was covered by a layer of gray dust.

Grandma Ji with her white hair and hunched body permeated with an unspeakable breath of death.

“Put the things on the table.” Grandma Ji said.

She spoke with her back turned and Ji Mingxia, who was not quite used to her old voice, did not react for a moment until a few seconds later when he realized that Grandma Ji was talking to him.

Ji Mingxia was a little guilty, and he hurriedly followed her words.

Grandma Ji ignored Ji Mingxia after seeing him put the dishes on the table.

She busied herself in the house. One moment she was pouring water, and then she got bowls in the next. It wasn’t until the old woman opened the bag on the table and brought the packages out one by one that Ji Mingxia realized Grandma Ji was ready to cook.

Ji Mingxia looked at the time. It was not meal time now and the old woman’s work and rest were usually on time. This meant that she was only cooking at this time for him.

The bag contained a lot of items and it was a little heavy for Ji Mingxia to carry, let alone Grandma Ji of this age.

Seeing this, Ji Mingxia quickly stepped forward and helped Grandma Ji take out all the things for her to choose.

Grandma Ji kept her head down the whole time, as if Ji Mingxia did not exist.

If it were normal times, Ji Mingxia would have found a way to liven up the atmosphere when he saw how cold it was.

But he did not dare, deeply afraid of revealing himself.

Ji Mingxia also stayed silent and didn’t speak, and it was not until Grandma Ji finished picking out the things she wanted that he quickly stretched out his hand, sorted out the rest of the things and took the initiative to put them in the refrigerator.

In his memory, the refrigerator at home was neatly stored and clearly classified.

But on opening the refrigerator here, he found that the refrigerator had a lot of clutter.

Especially the top layer. Perhaps Grandma Ji’s current height and physique made it difficult for her to reach there, so some things that were not commonly used were haphazardly stuffed in, resulting in the refrigerator's messy look.

Ji Mingxia felt a little sad on seeing this. While Grandma Ji was washing the vegetables, he put the new food in, and took the time to organize the refrigerator and the cabinet beside him.

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