Welcome to the Jungle!

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Ugh, I know, right?! I mean, I'm grateful for all that Draco's carrying me and everything, but seriously, how much longer does he expect me to hold on?! My arms are starting to ache, and my bottom's gone numb from sitting on his scaly back. Can't he just go a bit faster?!

I glanced over at Felix, who was still riding his Gazork, looking all smug and comfortable. I swear, that guy's got it easy. His Gazork's not even breaking a sweat, and he gets to sit there like royalty while Draco and I do all the hard work. It's just not fair.

I tried to shift my weight a bit, hoping to find a more comfortable position, but it was no use. Draco's scales are rough and hard, and they're digging into my skin. I tried to lean forward a bit, hoping to catch a glimpse of the road ahead, but Draco's neck was too long, and I ended up sliding backward instead.

"Draco, can you please go a bit faster?" I asked, trying to keep my voice polite. "My arms are starting to hurt."

Draco responded by letting out a small burst of flame. "Sorry, Ember," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. "I'm going as fast as I can. You're just not used to riding on a dragon yet."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the advice, Dragon Rider Extraordinaire. But maybe you should try being a passenger sometime. Then you'd understand why I'm complaining."

Draco chuckled, clearly enjoying himself. "I'll keep that in mind, Ember. But for now, let's just focus on getting to our destination. We don't want to fall behind, do we?"




Literally an hour later




"D-dr-aco, I am beyond...TIRED!" I exclaimed, my voice shaking with exhaustion. It had been an hour since we set out on this wild adventure, and now we've finally arrived at our mysterious destination—a dense, sweltering jungle.

As I peeked around Draco's shoulder, I couldn't believe my eyes. Towering trees loomed above us, their leaves a vibrant green, blocking out most of the sunlight. The air was thick with humidity, and the sounds of insects created a cacophony of noise. It was like nothing I've ever seen before.

But, as fascinated as I was by this exotic environment, my tiredness couldn't be ignored. My arms ached from holding onto Draco's scales, my bottom was numb from sitting on his back, and my legs felt like jelly. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going.

"Draco, can we please take a break?" I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need to rest my legs and recover from this grueling ride."

Draco nodded his great head, and I slid off his back, my legs trembling as I hit the ground. I took a few tentative steps, trying to regain my balance, but it's no use. My knees buckled, and I collapsed onto the soft earth, totally spent.

Felix, who's been quietly observing the scene, chuckles and walks over to me. "Looks like someone's not cut out for long-distance dragon-riding," he teased, offering me a hand up.

I ignored his jab and accepted his help, my pride wounded but my fatigue overriding any embarrassment. "It's not my fault," I muttered, trying to defend myself. "Draco's just too fast, and this jungle business is crazy. Who needs this much excitement, anyway?"

Felix grinned mischievously. "Oh, come on, Ember. Live a little. You never know what kind of adventures await us in these mystical lands."

I rolled my eyes good-naturedly, unable to muster any real argument. Adventures, schmeventures. Right now, I just want to rest and maybe enjoy some nice, hot chocolate. Is that too much to ask?

A New Life In A New World (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora