3. Special

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Alexanders POV

As I sat at the dining table, I waited for our son Ember to arrive. I had told the maid to call him, as I was eager to see what he had learned today. My son was going to become the next duke, and he needed to have talent to fulfill that role. If he didn't, then I would have to consider getting a new son.

I glanced over at my wife Sarah, who was smiling at Ember as he entered the room. She was always so optimistic when it came to our children, always believing that they had potential. But I knew that potential wasn't enough. My son needed to have actual talent, not just potential.

Ember walked towards us, his little legs moving quickly as he tried to keep up with the pace of the maid. He looked at us for a second before speaking up.

"I'm here"

 he mumbled I could barely hear his voice well he was a 2 year old so I suppose that's how he would probably talk the maid helped him sit on his chair I talked with sarcasm 

"ah Ember how nice for you to join us"

I was trying to sound a bit sarcastic but I didn't want to sound mean and worse I didn't want him to hit me from a young age so to make it right I spoke up again

"Son, how are you doing?" I asked with the deepest voice I had he looked at me with a face I couldn't draw out

"good," he said while stuttering maybe talking was a bit hard for him right now since he was a 2-year-old

"That's a great son," I said he picked up his spoon and started eating his face looked like he was on a daunting task but isn't eating easily maybe not for a 2-year-old then Sarah looked at me her face dripping with excitement it was like she wanted to say something that she couldn't hold in 

"Alexander the maid said that Ember could already write i looked at the paper and the writing was flawless"

I raised an eyebrow, surprised at Sarah's statement. "Really? Show me," I requested, trying to hide my skepticism.

The maid handed me a piece of paper, and sure enough, there was Ember's name written in neat, legible letters. I was taken aback - most children his age were still struggling to hold a crayon, let alone write their name.

"Impressive," I admitted, trying to sound casual despite my amazement. "It seems our son has a knack for the written word."

Sarah beamed with pride, her eyes shining with excitement. "I know, right? He's such a clever boy!

My gaze shifted skepticism and doubt were etched into my face

"is that true ember?" I asked

I leaned back in my seat "Interesting" muttered me in a neutral tone

"Perhaps we should consider highering a tutor for you ember you ahead of schedule"

"so he can already write?" I asked 

Sarah looked at me her expression was flooded with excitement 

"That's not all he can also do math"

My eyes widened in shock Sarah spoke up

"well weird things have happened maybe our son is a genius" I shook my head in disbelief 

"I don't know if I should be excited or terrified of a 2-year-old who can do math whats next world domination?"

Sarah chuckled her eyes sparkled with tons of amusement

"let's not get ahead of ourselves dear one step at a time first let's focus on giving ember the best education  who knows what the future holds"

I sighed  while trying to wrap my head around the concept of a 2-year-old math prodigy

"You right will do everything we can to support embers development

"maybe our son is a genius," Sarah said 

"Maybe Ember will be the one to solve world hunger or cure cancer"

MY expression turned thoughtful 

"you know that's not entirely impossible. with a mind like that the sky's the limit" I was incredibly happy that my son was a genius but if he was this big of a genius, I didn't know if I should be happy or scared by that.

"what do you want to be when you grow up?" I questioned him 

"Son you will become the duke, but I'm asking you is there anything else you want to do?" He thought about it for a moment 

"Yes, there is something I want to do instead of being the duke!"

"what's that?" Sarah asked him

" I want to become an adventurer and learn magic  

Sarah and I were both taken aback by Ember's declaration. Becoming an adventurer and learning magic was not exactly what we had in mind for our son's future. We had always assumed that he would follow in my footsteps and become the next duke, just like his father and grandfather before him. But now, it seemed that Ember had other plans.

"Why do you want to be an adventurer and learn magic, Ember?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.

Ember thought for a moment before responding. "I want to see the world and have exciting experiences. And I want to learn magic because it looks cool and I think it would be fun to be able to do spells and stuff."

Sarah and I exchanged a look of surprise. We had never encouraged Ember to explore his interests in magic, assuming that it was just a passing phase. But now, it seemed that he was serious about it.

"Well, Ember," I said, "becoming an adventurer and learning magic is not an easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Are you sure you're up for the challenge?"

Ember nodded eagerly. "Yes, Father. I'm positive. I want to do this."

Sarah and I looked at each other, unsure of what to do. We had always supported Ember's interests and passions, but this was a whole new level. We decided to take some time to think about it and discuss it further.

"Okay, Ember," I said. "We need to talk about this some more. Let's discuss it later, okay?"

Ember nodded, looking a bit disappointed but understanding. "Okay, Father."

My daughter Lily, who had been quietly observing the conversation, suddenly spoke up. "If you want to learn magic, you're going to have to wait until you turn four," she said matter-of-factly. "That's when you'll get your magic powers."

I looked at my son, who was still eagerly awaiting my response. I could see the excitement in his eyes, and I knew that he was desperate to believe in the possibility of magic.

"Well, Lily," I said carefully, "I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. Magic is a very special and rare gift, and it doesn't necessarily come when you turn four. Some people might never develop magical powers, and that's okay too."

Lily looked disappointed, but she didn't argue. "Oh," she said softly. "I guess I must have misunderstood."

I turned my attention back to my son. "But, Ember, I do think it's wonderful that you're interested in magic. Maybe we can find some books about magic in our library"

Ember's face lit up with joy, and he bounced up and down in his seat. "Yes, yes, yes! I want to learn magic! Can we start now, please?"

I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Of course, we can start exploring the world of magic together. But remember, it's important to always be careful and respectful when dealing with forces beyond our control."

"but no right now maybe tomorrow your maid can help you out"

"okay" embers face turned into a scowl he was probably hoping for me to help him learn new that's just how it is i have a lot of work

ember sat up after eating his food and the maid took him to his room 

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