Trapped in the Mirrored Hall

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As we approached the castle, we couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at its sheer size and grandeur. The walls were tall and imposing, made of black stone that seemed to absorb the sunlight around us. The castle's architecture was unlike anything we had seen before, with sharp angles and unusual shapes that gave it a sinister appearance. It was the perfect base for a villain, we thought, and we couldn't help but wonder what lay inside.

Edvin, always the curious one, tried to open the door first. He pulled and pushed with all his might, but it wouldn't budge.

"I think we need to find another way in," Felix suggested, eyeing the door warily.

"Yeah, maybe there's a secret entrance or something," I added, scanning the perimeter of the castle.

Just as we were about to give up, a low, rumbling noise caught our attention. We turned to see the door slowly opening itself, as if by some unseen force. Our hearts racing, we cautiously approached the entrance, wondering what lay ahead.

As I stepped inside the castle, Felix and Edvin followed closely behind me. Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind us, leaving us trapped in the dimly lit entrance hall.

"Well, it looks like we're just going to have to continue," I said, trying to hide the fear that was creeping into my voice.

Felix and Edvin nodded in agreement, their faces set with determination. We quickly scanned our surroundings, searching for a way out. The only thing that caught my attention was a staircase leading up to the second floor.

"Hey, look! A staircase! Let's go to the second floor," I suggested, hoping that it might lead us to a way out.

Felix and Edvin agreed, and we swiftly made our way up the stairs. As we reached the top, we found ourselves surrounded by mirrors on all sides. The wall behind us had closed, leaving us trapped once again.

Panic started to set in as we realized that we were completely stuck. We were surrounded by mirrors in a circle formation, with no visible exit or way out. The reflections of our faces stared back at us, distorted and eerie, as if mocking our attempts to escape.

We frantically searched for a way out, our minds racing with thoughts of claustrophobia and entrapment. Our breathing quickened, and our hearts pounded in our chests as we scoured every inch of the space, looking for any clue or hint that might lead us to freedom.

But there was nothing. There are no doors, no windows, and no cracks or crevices that we could use to pry ourselves loose. Just row upon row of mirrors, stretching out endlessly in every direction, creating an infinite reflection of our helplessness.

As the minutes ticked by, our panic grew. We began to feel like we were trapped in a never-ending nightmare, with no way to wake up. Our voices echoed off the mirrors, making it seem like we were shouting into an abyss with no hope of anyone hearing us.

Desperation set in, and we started to try anything to break free. We banged on the mirrors, kicked them, and scratched at them with our fingernails. But they remained stubbornly intact, reflecting our futile efforts at us with a maddening lack of empathy.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from everywhere and nowhere, echoing off the walls and ceiling. "Hehehehehehe, you seem exhausted, kids!" it said. We looked around, confused, and that's when we saw him—Mr. Slytherin—standing in front of us, reflected in all of the mirrors.

"Wha...what?" I stammered, still trying to process what was happening.

"These are illusions," Edvin said confidently, but then, out of nowhere, a swarm of needles flew towards us from all directions. We managed to dodge most of them, but Felix got hit by one, just a small nick on his arm.

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